Excellent essay from Fred Siegel at Commentary, The Anti-American Fallacy. (h/t, Insty). It is about "Down with the people!"
Adam Bellow's disenchantment with the Zabar's Left
Is it kiddie pron if the exhibitionist kids photo themselves?
JC Phillips: God in Our Classrooms
Church bells are insensitive. h/t, Moonbattery
The 50 most stressful colleges. If they think college is stressful, they should try real life.
Gay or not? Who cares? She looks slightly butch, tho. Politics is amusing.
It is Small Business Vs. Big Government
Seattle Tea-Party Lukewarm
What's wrong with Sousa? Everybody loves Sousa.
Steyn is hilarious about Canada. (the post on the left side of his page)
Can't wait for climate change legislation. These jerks want us to freeze.
When you tax a business, who pays?
"Economics is not always intuitive – and that is what makes it such a fascinating and important discipline. Take what economists call “incidence” – the study of who actually bears the burden of a particular tax. It is obvious enough that employees pay income tax. But it is much harder to actually work out who really ends up paying for other taxes; voters are often fooled into thinking that somebody else, usually big business, is being hit by higher taxes while in fact it is them who are picking up the tab, albeit in a way that is impossible to detect."
Who pays taxes on business? The shareholders and the consumers. As of 2002, 49% of Americans owned equities.