Smallest robots built by Dartmouth researchers.
Positive review of Stones new album: A Bigger Bang. In The Week.
Soros is back. Is this guy an American citizen and, if so, why?
Why engineering is a lousy career path, by Kern at TCS.
The Krugman Report, by Luskin.
Merkel's failure: Not much of a politician, I guess. NYT
VDH on Katrina Reporting:
There you have one of the media's favorite devices for disguising opinion as news, one on display in the coverage of the disaster in New Orleans. At the very height of the disaster reporters solicited opinions from people about what was happening and why, and unsurprisingly, the majority of poor black people asked said Bush and the federal government were to blame, a perception echoed by Democrats and black politicians for obvious partisan reasons. These perceptions of reality were then reported day after day, and not long after there followed the “scientific” poll to solicit even more perceptions based on the earlier perceptions publicized by the media. The result is then reported as news, and thus through the magic of media alchemy subjective perceptions become facts in the minds of many.
Read entire predictably good piece.