Science museums tamed by agendas
Re the anti-fat craze:
A world in which in many nations it is normal for the poor to be fat is a utopia by any measure from the perspective of someone who lived in 1900.
So true. That was when they had the term "prosperously plump." Now people spend thousands to try not to be plump, and the stats say the "poor" are the most plump. Why that is, I do not know. What I do know is that body lard is unattractive to me. If people want to be fat, though, it's their choice and I would never hold it against them.
Why Germany would decide to further enable Greece's socialism and corruption is beyond me. The NYT thinks they should.
Althouse: Are tea parties racist? Related: Figures. NY Times Still Pushing Bogus Tea Party N*gger Story Despite Video Proof That It Was Made Up
Conservative vs. Leftist industries in the US. h/t Chicago Boyz
Diversity training doesn't work
Amusing: Coulter to file grievance with Canadian human rights
At the time of the American Revolution
"Americans were the most prosperous people in the world, and also the lowest taxed. In fiscal terms the rebellion was inspired by ambition rather than hardship, by a desire not for financial freedom but for more financial freedom. This push for opportunity spurred people's envy of success, their scorn for failure, and their increasingly dubious view of their compatriots' integrity."
Why isn't this guy in jail?
From the Chicago Trib in As America Trots Down The Same Doomed Path, Chicago Tribune Notices Illinois Is Broke:
State government’s free-fall into insolvency was designed intentionally and executed methodically. Over the years, legislators devoted more to hoarding power and ensuring their re-election than to smart governance. They repeatedly created employee benefits, entitlement coverage and spending obligations that the people of Illinois cannot pay as costs come due.
9th Circuit nominee John Liu says he “envisions the judiciary…as a culturally situated interpreter of social meaning.” Is he a social worker, a forensic Psychiatrist, or a nut?
Image via Protein:

WSJ: Why ObamaCare makes us nostalgic for the Cold War.
Good summary of the reconciliation bill at Hennessey
Related: I am going to let 3 guys go
Mead: Why can't DC think outside the blue box?
“Already Insured? Get Ready to Pay More”
Free Viagra is in the health bill? How about penile enlargement? Every guy wants that.
In Health Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality. Duh. But not by making it easier for people to create wealth - if wealth is what they want. No, just by taking mine and giving it to somebody else, preferably to a Dem voter.