Too Much Good Stuff Today:
More on family collapse as cause of poverty: Bray at Detroit News
Dickerson mocks failures of fiscal conservatism. He has a damn good point. Lee makes same point.
Newspapers dying a slow death, grieving from Eric. Why? Is it because "You are stuck on stupid, reporter" ? - video here, thanks to Political Teen. Or is it because of pieces of stupidity such as the disparagement of motherhood by the NYT yesterday, reported by Charmaine.
Sheehan is gone for good. Why? The Doc suggests that it is because she took on the media's sweety-pie - the lovely, charming and feminine Hillary.
And speaking of feminine, California women feel oppressed by having to wear bathing suit tops, reports Right Wing Nation. Story here. The link to Nude Beach at the bottom is x-rated - do not visit that site.
Boston most expensive town in US: Martinipundit