UPDATE: Still no word from Barbara Boxer, though some other Democrats are seeing the light between sense and Obama. Or is it the space between Obama and Americans?
Also, GayPatriot reminds us of Barbara Boxer's choice of Bill Clinton over Monica (no pun intended).
She does have a record of preferring partisanship. While she once championed women allegedly victimized by sexual harassment, she was silent when a Democratic president was accused of such harassment. Seems, for Mrs. Boxer, partisanship trumps all.
California Senator Barbara Boxer, although advocating the most extreme liberal views undermining national security, has been a firm supporter of Israel.
Now, Boxer faces the American Jewish dilemma. She and over 75% of American Jews supported the election of President Obama. Obama’s, can’t call it anything else, attacks on Israel has gotten roundly criticized by leading Jewish organizations (AIPAC and ADL) and by Republican leaders (here, here and here).
Where is Boxer? Nothing has been heard from her.
Is she waiting for marching, or parroting, orders from the White House?
At Politico, Laura Rozen reports that Congressional Democrats are waiting for a call from Obama’s ineffectual Israel-Palestinian negotiation envoy George Mitchell about what to think or say.
Or, maybe Boxer could have gotten a steer from Obama’s senior advisor bull, David Axelrod. Axelrod called an Israel building plan in a Jewish neighborhood in east Jerusalem, 200 meters from pre-1967 Israel Jerusalem, “an affront, an insult.” Axelrod was scheduled to meet with the National Jewish Democratic Council tonight, but the event has been cancelled.
Boxer, like other Democrats, is boxed in between Obama and usual support for Israel.
As with ObamaCare, President Obama has given vulnerable Democrats another reason to avoid him, for their own self-preservation at the ballot box.
But, do Democrat Jews care as much about the box, possibly literally, in which Obama’s policies are putting Israel?
Should be interesting at the AIPAC annual conference in Washington, D.C. next week. Public smoothing over will predominate, but if private conversations are similar to the ones I hear from faithful Jewish Democrats there will not be smooth brows.
Here's the featured movie about Obama foreign policy: 
There's some very interesting and disturbing news in this Haaretz story. While Netanyahu has been trying to cool things off, the Obama Administration appears to be trying to push the crisis for all it's worth: Israel envoy: U.S. ties at...
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