NOW gives women a bad name: Shrieking hormonal hysteria re Rehnquist's replacement (and of course, Bush caused the hurricane,too, they say). Meanwhile, Dems exult in his death (via Michelle).
Evacuation Failure - at Pennywit. Hurricane Graph - Proof the wacko enviros are lying thru the
ir teeth - from R. Nation:
Sen. Landrieu threatens violence if anyone criticizes LA: Powerline. Come and get me, Senator. I'd never hit a lady. Reason # 7,387,563 that I cannot read the NYT: Captain Ed. Shays and Lieberman vow probe into f-ups. Cole asks whether it is possible to evacaute any place. Probably not any city. Excellent timeline of the disaster from Env. Economics. Oh, and now I see NO did have a plan - they just didn't follow it: Macho Nachos