Noonan: “No one seems to love Mr. Obama now”
Fred Barnes: Why Obama Isn't Changing Washington. One quote:
One insight distinguished Barack Obama from the other presidential candidates last year. While he lacked experience or a special grasp of issues, Mr. Obama said he uniquely understood what ails Washington, and what was causing the endless squabbling and bitter stalemate on important issues. If elected, he said he would change the way business is done in Washington, end the partisan deadlock and the ideological polarization.
Wizbang: The Poor Today are Better Off than the Average Person of 1971
Howard Dean opposes congress' health care bills
From John H at Powerline: It's Baaack!
So the battle over health care is not just about health care. It's about whether government will permanently gobble up more of the private-sector economy -- and slow it down in the process.
I think that's right. I don't believe that Democrats in Congress actually disagree with the majority of voters who expect a government takeover of medicine to result in worse health care at a higher cost. Rather, the Democrats believe that degraded health care is an acceptable price to pay for what they are really after--government domination over the life of every citizen. Whether the American people understand how profound is the Democrats' assault on their liberties, and will be willing to do what it takes to throw the greedy rascals out of power, remains to be seen.
Protein: If you believe in American principles, you can’t be a teacher. At least, according the Minnesota Board of Teaching
And a few climate links:
Pajamas: Climategate: It’s the Totalitarianism, Stupid
Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren Involved in Climategate Scandal
Why Climategate won't stop the greens
Climategate e-mails sweep America, may scuttle Barack Obama's Cap and Trade laws
How widespread is the science fraud? Warmists Caught Fudging Data in New Zealand