The Help Pours In - Up to $100 million as of yesterday noon, according to this piece in the NYT.
The Cavalry Arrives - 12,000 National Guard troops arrive.
Denny Hastert must be a Maggie's Farm reader: "Don't re-build." Here.
And so must the Editorial writers at the NYT - "The conceit that we can control the natural world is what made New Orleans vulnerable." Here. However, they undo that statement by proceeding to explain how if govt had spent 17 billion, it might have helped.
Press urges Gov. Barbour to blame Bush for Katrina. And BlameBush has the grisly truth about Bush's visit today to New Orleans:
But will the cameras be on as he cashes the check for all the war profits he's made as working families struggle to keep their heads above water? Will they capture the look of orgasmic joy on his face as he surveys the piles of dead Democrat voters? Will the microphones record the screams - the horrible screams - as Bush rips the head off a hurricane victim with his bare hands and drinks the blood from his skull? Of course not. The media will show us exactly what Rove wants us to see: Bush hugging paid shills with phony compassion.
Katrina effects on travel, here.
Bayou Looters in CT - Not all of the looters are in New Orleans. Also from the NYT: "Federal prosecutors sued the Bayou Funds yesterday, saying the hedge fund company and securities firm run by Samuel Israel III directed a years-long fraud that attracted more than $300 million from investors. Mr. Israel is said to be at the Westchester County house he rents for $32,000 a month from Donald J. Trump. "Click here: U.S. Sues Bayou; Fraud Cited - New York Times