Eighty One percent say the quality of their own, personal health care is Good or Excellent. No wonder there is no popular support for the Dems' plans to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Who wants their doc working for the government? I want them working for me.
Princeton and Columbia cancel free speech
What makes nations rich or poor? With world poverty map.
McCain gets sane on climate bill. Meanwhile, EU president wants Copenhagen to give us “global management”. What a great idea!
Related, Aussie skeptics run TV ad
Related, from Powerline: The global warming bombshell
Related via Vanderleun: The truth about global warming will not stop the fraud of global warming. Too much money and power at stake. Same thing with government medical care.
San Franciscan likes Palin's book, but calls Alaska "weird." Enuf said.
Related: SF bookstores refuse to carry Palin's "gross" book. OK, I'll say it: They are weird in SF, but don't know it. It is the Alaskans who are normal.
Bad news for the O: Polls dropping like a rock. All Presidents fall below 50%, he notes. People are fickle, and invest too much in Presidents. It's because they do not trust themselves to be the President of their own lives.
The good news: Booze is good for men's hearts.
Employment looking worse for 2010
In the primaries, Obama distinguished himself from Clinton on health care by opposing an individual mandate. In the general election, he distinguished himself from McCain by opposing taxes on health benefits. So now he is trying to pass bills with both an individual mandate and taxes on health benefits—and his supporters are saying that Congress should go along because he won the election.
Photo: That is my Christmas Mincemeat, ready now for the brandy and aging. The venison in it provided by my bow-hunting buddy. Too bad our smellovision isn't working today. Allspice, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, cider, vinegar, molasses, apples, raisins, currants, cranberry, meat.