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Wednesday, November 4. 2009Weds. morning linksWe are disappointed that Hoffman lost in NY 23. Surprised, too. The "meaning" of these elections will be spun to death. Ace notes that the O managed one big win in Maine. WSJ: Obama and the Liberal Paradigm. "The sheep are quite capable of looking out for themselves. Someone tell the Democrats." We sheep would be even more capable if the gummint would leave us alone. Health Care Bill postponed further. That's good. This bill is antiquated New Deal entitlement: government-heavy baloney. Regressive - not Progressive. Sen Lieberman on the O:
From Sowell on the costs of medical care:
I do not think this is a racial thing. I think it's an effect of urban one-party governmental cultures of corruption. A generation or two ago, it would have been Irish pols - but nobody expected integrity in pols then. Gays protest against free speech. Good grief. The Archbishop has a blog? Cool. Coyote: An ACORN Relief Act Politico terms it an "uncivil war." I think it's just what parties do to figure out what they are about. It's healthy. Parties should debate and contain conflict.
Posted by The News Junkie
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So with all the ranting from "conservative" quarters about what a slap-down Hoffman was to Newt, Newt was right. And in upstate NY, Republicans, with all of their money, couldn't find one fiscal conservative, social liberal to get an almost certain win to issue a full, take-no-prisoners slap-down to Obambi. What do we learn from this?
We learned this "Remember the Scozzafava"
It rhymes with "Remember the Dole" and "Remember the McCain". It's time for a third party. And for all of you whiners about "permanent minority status" I refer to NY-23 and a little thing that some of us still cherish: Dignity. So NY 23 was a "victory" for whom, exactly? Dignity? As in
"no matter what they take from me, they can't take away my dignity"? So you found the greatest love of all, and it's inside of you. Feel real good right now, 'cause it ain't gonna last long. Try repeating the following to adjust your perception of reality: "Newt was right, Newt was right" Also, "Politics is local. Other people's districts are none of my damn business" Uh, Newt is from NY? Wow, didn't know that. I always thought he was born in PA and served down south somewhere... So, perhaps Newt should have minded his own business, eh?
Nothing like an out of towner telling you you are stupid for sticking to your values. Maybe the R's would have picked up a seat if that fat RHINO kept his lying mouth shut. Instead, we get all the would be third party folks walking, or running away from the Republicans, yet again. When the R team wants to win again, they can call us. If they send another one-worlder like Newt- forgetaboutit. I didn't call it a victory K. Keeping one's dignity is always a victory. Whore on, man.. the party needs you. My apologies, if you live in NY 23 then just say so.
As for me, I'm no Newt fan and don't go calling me a whore. My values are staying the F out of other people's business. If you are lost in the recursive logic that suggesting to others that they stay out of other people's business is not minding one's own business...well, we have nothing to discuss. The comment I found telling this morning was an NY 23 woman who was identified as an "independent" (granted, people do lie about such things) stated she voted "against the extremes". But before you take your ball and go home, I suggest I Kings 3:16 etc.
2009-11-04 13:16
Oh, and BTW I ain't "with" any party, though I am currently registered "R". Ideologically GDI, thank you. And just for a little perspective, I'm voting conservative against that worthless...well I was going to call him a RINO, but I think he's beyond that...Charlie Crist and for Luigio or whatever the F his name is. Hell, I'll vote for a blue dog before I'd vote for him. But I'd appreciate it if you outsiders would stay the F out of our election. We need to stop feeding these bastards money. Without the cash, the real ho's would be out of business.
2009-11-04 13:29
Well, K- we probably agree. Perhaps we can see eye to eye after this little story:
You see, I was born a poor liberal child. One day, as a young adult, I moved away. I knew I didn't fit in. Long about 1994 I discovered something that made me fantastically wealthy- the Republican Party. It turned out that the things I cherished were of value. I was happy for a time, accumulating Rush hours, voting my ass off, and overall being a conservative as only a person will who wasn't raised with it- the world was fresh and vibrant. After a time, I discovered something horrible about the Republican Party. It made people cross-eyed. They couldn't see straight. Some of them recovered, but most just pretended they could see clearly, clinging to their beliefs no matter how the party tarnished or abandoned them. I realized that in looking outside myself for confirmation, I had sold off my most prized possession- my concience. So I realized I had to go. I gathered up a few baubles- my gun, my family values, an ashtray... and stumbled down the road, just as wealthy as ever- not with other people's ideas and power schemes- but with dignity. I vowed never to allow petty desires (like how many R's get elected) to blind me to what is real and good in life. I'd rather be true to myself than some faceless bureaucracy that would sell my values in a heartbeat for a slice of power.
2009-11-04 17:39
Dan Riehl explains the significance of New York race:
"NY-23 was insignificant as election, significant for what it said t the GOP. We'll soon know if they got the message or not." You know at first I thought I understood this, but after following the link, not so sure. Questions:
1) What exactly is "the GOP"? 2) What exactly was said to it? FYI:
Recall the tax increases required on the "wealthy" to pay for the healthcare reform? Turns out that because many sole proprietorships, farms, partnerships, and other small businesses pay their income taxes through the individual income tax system, the monies raised in this way will come one-third from these small businesses. This according to the analysis by the Joint Committee on Taxation yesterday. Thus, this House surtax will hit small businesses inordinately hard, just at a time when the economy needs them to provide employment opportunities. So for all those liberals who think that sticking it to those making over $250,000 will target the heads of Wall Street financial companies, realize it's more likely to clobber the small business owner in your own home town. Re sheep: I remember seeing an interview with Mario Cuomo not long after his tenure as governor ended. He said he thought himself a shepherd of the people in that interview. It immediately reminded me of the line uttered by the Mexican bandit boss in the the movie The Magnificent Seven: 'If God had not wanted them fleeced, he would not have made them sheep.' I have felt that has always been the attitude liberals have held towards the electorate.
Doctors: I think that the scandal is that as rich countries with a large number of medical practitioners per-capita we (Canda, UK, potentially USA) are taking a large proportion of the few medical-practitioners-per-capita away from the countries where they are needed more.
As for the individuals who come, good-on-em. As for state-run hospitals actively recruiting from the third world, I think that comes pretty close to being evil. Our State departments talk a good talk about helping the poor in the third world, but we keep designing our domestic policies in such a way that they have the consequence of making life worse in the third world. "As for the individuals who come, good-on-em. As for state-run hospitals actively recruiting from the third world, I think that comes pretty close to being evil."
So, if one of those medical practitioners who come on their own, should state-run hospitals refuse to hire them? Even with recruitment, one still comes on his own. How about a private hospital? Would they be evil if they hired a third-worlder? By the way, many doctors come here to be educated and to work so they may go back to their home country with the expertise to make a difference. ` |