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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, November 3. 2009Tuesday morning linksMore Big Con: Gore making millions from "warming" scam, headed for his first billion. Stanley Black and Decker? Sounds like a slip-and-fall law firm. 59% say country on the wrong track Our obsolete US Constitution. Am Thinker Hubris of the incompetent. What's the Dunning-Kruger Effect? Please conceal your shock The American: I’ve taken a look at the data, and, I’m sad to report, the Great Recession has badly damaged the entrepreneurial sector of the U.S. economy. Oh yeah? Well wait til the Dems do what they want to do... Where the white Leftist men live in America. Related: Why are the groovy "Progressive" cities the white cities? Real, interesting cities are full of everybody. Portland is white bread. I'll take NYC. How come we never found this blog before? Black and Right. This one goes straight onto Ye Olde Blogroll. Roy Spencer: AGW is an urban legend Those taxes on the rich aren't inflation-indexed. We know what that means. From Ace, the pithily amusing AP: Even If Republicans Win Tomorrow, They Still Suck Related, from Red State: We hear this all time — conservatives in the GOP have to play nice with the moderates. The Krautman has it right: those "saved" jobs are all gummint jobs. Plenty of SEIU jobs, I am sure. Everything - and more - that you might want to know about Nancy Pelosi Related, in WSJ:
Boeing begins to say Good-bye to Seattle
Posted by The News Junkie
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Thanks for adding us to your roll. Can I do the same on this end?
Bob When it comes to "effects", the Dunning-Kruger is effect is probably second only to the Scalar-Tensor Gravitational Effect of Vacuum Decay on my list of all time favorites...especially (from the link):
"It also explains why actual competence may weaken self-confidence because competent individuals falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding. “Thus, the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others." Does it apply to shrinks or is it just a one-way street? Who decides who is competent? Aye, there's the rub... That one in particular stuck with me, KRW. It's true! How utterly sad is that? Human nature's tragic flaw: Thinking others understand as you do.
` Let me separate the welfare state from proper employee management. It is proper employee management to have health insurance for federal workers and service-related health services for veterans. It is proper management to have pensions for military people who have retired or are disabled.
The rest of the federal welfare state -- Temporary Aid for Needy Families, Head Start, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, ad nauseum -- is presumptively unConstitutional. Adding a nationalized health system will not suddenly make these things Constitutional and the current system would be hard to challenge. The Pelosi-Dem proposals for healthcare work out to this: you will pay premiums and taxes based on your income, whether you wish to or not. You will be entitled to the care the system authorizes and your doctor says you require. That's pretty much "from each according to ability, to each according to need." Where have I heard that before? Who would begrudge 'Big Al' his just rewards...the man is a living saint dontcha know?
Gore has been making millions from the AGW warming scam for years. What did it for me is when I discovered several years ago that he had set up his own carbon-offset sales corporation, and was buying carbon offsets for himself from said corporation.
Gives a new meaning to "what goes around comes around" doesn't it? Marianne Regarding dirty tricks in New Jersey, the irony is, that as a Goldman alumni, Corzine has all of the financial skills needed to address the financial disaster that New Jersey now is.
New Jersey not only has a structural operating deficit despite having one of the highest state and local tax burdens in the country, but it has approximately $130 billion in unfunded mandates. Obviously, there are no easy choices (from a political perspective not from a practical perspective). Instead of using his knowledge and articulating what the choices and trade-offs are in fixing this mess, he has chosen to maintain the status quo, which is unsustainable. I cannot fathom why a person with his wealth and financial skills and a self-proclaimed liberal with the best interests of the people in mind would shirk such an obvious responsibility. I don't know how he can look at himself in the mirror. It must be painful to look at oneself and see such a lack of moral character. He must not like himself very much. But then again, he has decades of practice in self-deception. Meanwhile, he play tricks with Daggett knowing a divided vote is to his advantage and to New Jersey's loss. "New Jersey not only has a structural operating deficit despite having one of the highest state and local tax burdens in the country..." New Jersey has a structural operating deficit BECAUSE it has among the highest state and local tax burdens. The tax burdens have driven out many responsible citizens and businesses while discouraging others from coming to NJ in the first place. That tends to leave a disproportionate number of dependent residents and a small number of wealthy people. When the market dips, the wealthy people pay a lot less in taxes and the dependent people don't pay at all.
The pattern is consistent and the Northeast corridor displays it best. California, Oregon and Washington states are infected with the same disease and are having similar symptoms: middle-class and business flight, shrinking tax bases, revenue problems. Shafting the rich ALWAYS harms the poor. ALWAYS. The widow's mite was a spiritual gesture but it didn't keep the temple lamps lit. Geoff,
Yes, I agree. However, it was not really my point. The fact is the mess exists. Now we need leaders who will set the proper course. Corzine, who has the financial skills to do so, has chosen instead to bury his head. He is a coward among other things. I would be a better governor than Corzine or Christie. The entire mess would be made public. As the saying goes, "Sacred cows make good hamburger." |