We try to keep harvesting the good ones, with inspiration from Theo

Just 25% would keep the entire Congress.
A Long Shot in California
Behind the facade of tolerance.
My friend Thomas Lipscomb reviews in the Wall Street Journal the latest Jefferson-Hemings DNA considerations. “Mr. Hyland, a lawyer, presents the historical record carefully and, closer to our day, provides marvelous details of the scholarly empire-building and grantsmanship that go into making "fact" out of limited evidence—in this case and others.” -- Lipscomb, a fact-finder extroadinairre, also takes on Bernie Goldberg, re: Bush wanting to go to Vietnam, and again finds the evidence weak.
My local Chula Vista team swatted San Antonio to crushing defeat to win the US Little League World Series. Faces off against tough Taiwan today for the World championship. Be there, or be square. The tournament has been fantastic. Our guests Saturday was a new family on the block, from Japan. Their 7-year old boy knows little English but sure knows good baseball, Japan being avid for the game and sending us some terrific pro players. The mom brought over fantabulous home cooking. Me and mine couldn’t stop bowing in pleasure.
The fix was in for Richardson. Holder needs fixing, and quick, before he kills justice again. -- What’s more, at PowerLine, why he isn’t canned: “It's not that Obama is deferential to the office of Attorney General; it's because Obama agrees with Holder and disagrees with those charged with defending our country from attack.”
Tigerhawk informs us: Bored while shopping with the old ball and chain? If you know where to look and what to do, there is fun to be had everywhere!

Lockerbie bomber 'set free for oil'. Should have been boiled in it.

Cnet gives us the translation of what that means:
If your company is deemed “critical,” a new set of regulations kick in involving who you can hire, what information you must disclose, and when the government would exercise control over your computers or network.
How could that possibly be abused?
This way, for example. But, the Ninth Circuit strikes back.
Don Surber finds the Sign of the day
Capitalism saved the whales.
How a Detainee Became An Asset: Sept. 11 Plotter Cooperated After Waterboarding. This, at the Washington Post, is giving the Left apoplexy. Will the Left now claim that honest reporting is a war crime!

From Dummie Funnies
Even the Detroit News editorial board decries the $10-billion giveaway in the Dems’ health care bill to the UAW.
Al-Jazeera better than CNN!
Pirates fluorish because lawyers nourish.
The Paris-based legal-aid group Lawyers of the World, meanwhile, is representing more than 40 piracy detainees handed over to Kenya for prosecution, insisting that their rights are being violated by deficiencies in Kenyan law. Fighting piracy is turning into a series of bureaucratic opportunities for attorneys and alliance staffs. It is also providing the pretext for Russia and Iran to establish a maritime presence in this crucial region. Yet piracy continues to flourish undaunted. Something is wrong with this picture.
Nothing wrong with this picture. Now, that’s treasure.

See ya matey, when I return to deck from counting the booty.