The New York Times continues its blind adoration of the Obamas in featuring the trip by Michelle and the girls to a local Washington, D.C. hamburger restaurant. Funny that the NYT doesn’t mention the contradiction to the president’s program for the rest of us, to curb childhood obesity. Another example of what’s supposedly good for us gooses is not good for that gander. We at Maggies Farm love good meats, but don't care for fatheads.
First Lady Michelle Obama and her two daughters, Malia and Sasha, stepped out of the Executive Mansion on Thursday for a hearty lunch of burgers, fries, onion rings and milkshakes at Good Stuff Eatery, a restaurant near Capitol Hill. It was Mrs. Obama’s second trip to the restaurant – she dined there in May — and a first for her girls.
The restaurant, which specializes in burgers, served the first family cheeseburgers and its President Obama burger, which comes with horseradish mayo, red onion marmalade, crumbled blue cheese and bacon. (Several members of Mrs. Obama’s staff also joined the Obamas for lunch.)
They also sipped milkshakes – including vanilla, chocolate, toasted marshmallow and the decadent Milky Way malt (with butterscotch, hot fudge, malt balls, custard and whipped cream.)
Here’s a photo of the serving. (Note the greasy fries and napkin.)

Apparently, Michelle didn’t get the message from hubby that reducing the widespread (pun intended) obesity problem among children is a key goal of the president’s program for America. As the Health and Human Service Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in late July:
“President Obama and I are committed to delivering a health care system that provides all Americans with better quality and lower costs. And fighting obesity is at the heart of both of these goals,” Health and Human Service Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told a conference at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday.
With obesity reduction as the main goal, Sebelius said the Obama administration will “require” health insurance plans to cover some weight loss programs.
Congress appropriated $1 billion for prevention and wellness as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus law). On Tuesday, Sebelius announced that most of the money will be spent on a prevention initiative developed by the CDC and the Office of Public Health and Science.
“We aren’t ready to officially announce this initiative, but we expect that a significant amount of the money will go to help states and communities attack obesity and other public health challenges,” Sebelius said in remarks prepared for a CDC-sponsored “Weight of the Nation” conference.
“Reducing obesity -- especially for children -- would be one of the biggest steps we could take towards this better health future.”
In one of President Obama’s first acts in office he signed the expanded SCHIP legislation, saying, "We’ll have made the single largest investment in prevention and wellness in history – tackling problems like smoking and obesity, and helping people live longer, healthier lives…. Let’s show people all over our country who are looking for leadership in this difficult time that we are equal to the task."
It seems that reviews of the restaurant available on the first page of a web search by its name reveals how unhealthy the menu, if the NYTs cared to look. A typical comment: “I felt like a huge greaseball after eating my dinner. Like oil ooozed out of my skinpores.”
President Obama should speak with his wife before siccing his paid labor goons (an example here from Michelle Malkin, and more at Gateway Pundit) on everyday Americans rebelling against his false pieties.
UPDATE: Michelle Malkin steers us to this: “Fellow patrons [at the restaurant] had their cellphones temporarily confiscated to prevent pictures from being taken” of the Obamas’ healthy meal of hamburger hypocrisy, nor any aeoli sauce dripping on Michelle’s $540 Lanvin designer sneakers, if worn to other places than food banks for the poor (just to motivate them to work harder, of course).