Viking (whence Lucy image): "You got duped, America. Snookered, tricked, suckered, pwn3d."
Related from Ace: Reverse Reagan: Obama Will Blow Up the Deficit So Enormously Even Conservatives Will Beg Him to Raise Taxes, to Stave off Fiscal Ruin
Simple solution to jet lag. h/t, ?
The strange story of America's First Lady
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Appalling
Dynamite: The Power of Negative Thinking, from Nyquist.
Nutmeggers can form their own militias. Cool.
Those Russian subs are testing the O. They wanted to be detected.
Mea culpa: I used the cash for clunkers
Six of the Top 10 sellers in the Cash For Clunkers program are Toyotas, Hyundais and Hondas. You know, cars made in America. They have plants here. In fact, Toyota makes engines in Buffalo, W.Va., that it was selling to Pontiac.
Grocery Reform:
His health care plan at least temporarily stymied in Congress, President Obama announced today that he would mount a 27-city tour to promote his new nutrition reform program, dubbed America’s Affordable Grocery Choices Act.
Guidance Counselor in Chief: The O wants everybody to go to college. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Woops, I almost forgot. It's not dumb: cheap money for college is political payback to academia.
Gore Effect:
Global temps have fallen .74F since Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth” was released in 2006.
Could Obama have been elected president without promising not to raise taxes on the middle class? Would Americans have trusted him with the highest office in the land if he had proposed replacing all private health insurance with a Euro-style, socialistic, single-payer system?
As Ben Stein put it in his American Spectator diary, "The American people in their unimaginable kindness and trust . . . wanted so much to believe Barack Obama was somehow better and different from other ultra-leftists that they simply took him on faith."
How to participate in the government medicine debate. Hewitt
Government medicine: How it becomes a political football. Medicaid in NY: City Journal
"I am home with a bad case of poison ivy, so I had time to read 500 pages of the health care bill."
A book: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism. Review at Front Page