The University of Texas mugs Western Civ. How advanced! How Progressive! How modern! How sophisticated!
Shmuck du jour: Gavin Newsom
Too many lawyers? Too many law schools? Prof B
In China, pols and their extramarital affairs
In the UK, sex-ed doubles teen pregnancy rate. Homework?
Why some people stay poor. Viking. I've seen plenty of folks like that. They just cannot make good decisions.
"It's no Trojan Horse - it's right there." NRO
...few people other than news junkies have noticed how extraordinary Barack Obama's agenda is. Perhaps a number will help: 35%. That is the aggregate percentage of United States GDP produced by the three industries that the Democrats hope to restructure from the top down: Health care (17% of GDP), energy (9.8% of GDP), and financial services (8% of GDP). Think about that. Without even considering the transformational impact of proposed anti-business laws of general application, such as the Orwellian "employee free choice act," the Obama administration wants to redesign 35% of gross domestic product from the center. And he proposes to do it all in a rush this summer, lest the decline in his popularity and that of the Congressional Democrats erodes his power to do so.
Thirty-five percent. Somebody needs to turn that into a bumper sticker.