The Dems' twist on a GOP strategy: Spend now, tax later
Related at Am Thinker: How would you design a tax?
A radical feminist wonders why people hate Sarah Palin so much
Related, from Dr. Clouthier:
How many iconic images can one woman conjure? Well, that imagery links energetically to the common person’s hopes and fears. She brings out the clucking church ladies, yes, I’m talking about feminists, wanting to brand her with the scarlet letter for being powerful, sexual, female, beautiful and most of all, feminine. The fangs and claws are bared and it’s as transparent as the politics of a sixth grade dance. Make no mistake: If she were butch, we would not be having this discussion.
Related at Hugh Hewitt: Sarah is running a marathon
Daily sex with younger women helps men live longer.
Australian wine prices dropping lower than bottled water
From Spencer at Watts, re Cap&Trade:
...even if cap-and-trade does what is intended, the reduction in CO2 emissions as a fraction of global CO2 emissions will moderate future warming by, at most, around one tenth of a degree C by late in this century. That is probably not even measurable.
Of course, this whole discussion assumes that the climate system is very sensitive to our carbon dioxide emissions. But if the research we are doing is correct, then manmade global warming is being overestimated by about a factor of 5, and it is the climate system itself that causes climate change…not humans.
If that is the case, then nothing humanity does is going to substantially affect climate one way or the other. Indeed, given the fact that life on Earth depends upon the tiny amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, I continue to predict that more atmospheric CO2 will, in the end, be a good thing for life on Earth.
Yet, many politicians are so blinded by the additional political power and tax revenue that will come from a cap-and-trade system that they do not want to hear any good news from the science. For instance, in my most recent congressional testimony, the good news I presented was met with an ad hominem insult from Senator Barbara Boxer.
I can only conclude that some politicians actually want global warming to be a serious threat to humanity. I wonder why?
The NYT implicitly doesn't want Waxman-Markey. Too weak, they think. They'd rather keep the issue going.
FDR and Positive Rights, etc, at Villainous
"A common bias among the smart is to overestimate how smart everyone else is." Stupider than you might realize
Are you better off than you were 2 years ago, when the Dems took over Congress?
Seen a Christian martyr lately? Here's one.