We support the fish ladders. Government built the dams: government should build the fish ladders too.
The Repub's problem with black voters. Solve it, geniuses. In America, it's crazy for any skin color or ethnic group to vote as a block.
Time to declare victory in Iraq. Tiger
Construction spending:
We say it again: That was no military coup in Honduras.
MORE CRUSHING OF DISSENT. I remember when protest was patriotic! Seems like it was just a little while ago . . . .
Health care lawsuits, and how they drive medical costs. If an OB pays $250,000/yr for insurance, you are the one who must pay for it.
I call it the SUE defense, the Shut-Up Explanation. Heres a quick and dirty example of how it works:
Skeptic There has been no global warming since 1998.
Green Shut up!
In which Tom Friedman permanently convinces me that he is a partisan, fad-chasing knucklehead.
More hysteria:
"Today, international action on climate change is urgent and essential. Indeed, there can no longer be any debate about the need to act, because the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), of which I am chairman, has established climate change as an unequivocal reality beyond scientific doubt."
Sorry. There is nothing in science which is "beyond doubt."
Sowell does not want discount medical care.
The hangings have already begun in Iran
The current status of US States' budgets. They love those credit cards, because they spend on our cards, not theirs.
Where did the Madoff money go? Kudlow
The law trumps empathy - It was yet another 5-4 Supreme Court split in the Ricci case, but buried in the details is the fact that not a single Justice affirmed the reasoning that SC nominee Sonia Sotomayor used to rule against the New Haven firefighters claiming reverse discrimination.