When statism fails, blame the private sector
The real history of Mother's Day (thanks, reader)
Dolphin Stadium becomes Landshark Stadium. It is impossible not to enjoy Jimmy Buffett.
Repub mean-spiritedness alert
The Producers comes to Berlin. Gotta love it.
Rich Obama supporters realize he is a class warrior
Slobbering over Michelle O. Get a room.
Kudlow discusses gangster government with Tom Lauria
Quoted at Driscoll:
All The President’s Men solidified this idea of journalism that “makes a difference” in the heads of a generation of journalists. It not only encouraged a lot of what is called “Pulitzer bait” — the five-part series — but it generally attracted to the business a lot of liberal do-gooders who thought of themselves as superior to their readers.
Last year, there was a certain news story that caused Ace of Spades to erupt in fury: “Stop telling me what to think!” (I wish I could find that post, because it was good.) Nobody wants to do the straight-ahead Joe Friday “just-the-facts-ma’am” news story, because there is no prestige in that kind of basic reporting.