Sam is still a child. Lots of Sams out there these days.
I'm glad to see PC finally extending into the fungal kingdom. It's only fair. Don't want to be guilty of speciesism.
Krauthammer: Obama's ultimate agenda
Whither print? Jules
Yet another depraved nominee. Where do they find these people? They are all Moonbats or tax cheats - or both.
Steyn on Obama's faux pas
How the Obamanauts lied about their petitions
Wood pulp and fuel. Your tax dollars at work.
Liberal Fascism at the NYT. Sort-of related: NYT's Bill Keller is losing it.
I wish I had a thick cortex. I do have a thick skull...
Ouch. O loses his place on teleprompter in France. Related: The Guardian's transcript of O's confusion yesterday is darn funny. Cruel, but funny.
Coming soon to your house: O's $163,000 tax bomb
Seems hardly fair that illegals would get a better deal than Americans.
Watts on the winter:
...remember - weather is not climate. and computer models should always supersede observation.
The guy wasn't joking:
The Dignitas clinic in Zurich claims to have assisted in the deaths of more than 100 Britons. The Zurich University Clinic found that more than a fifth of people who had died at Dignitas did not have a terminal condition.
Mr Minelli said that anyone who has “mental capacity” should be allowed to have an assisted suicide, claiming that it would save money for the NHS.
The NHS would be in fine shape if it weren't for all those sick and old people they have to bother with.