Sunday is Bath Day (h/t, Theo)
ACORN and the Youth Brigades. It is a Leftist's dream. Imagine if Bush had proposed this sort of thing.
Imagine if Bush...never mind. Obama will stay away from floods.
This is how you sell hamburgers
Via Lizards:
During a recession, the private sector lowers prices, because the public is not obliged to buy its services.
During a recession, government raises prices -- because the public is.
The mirage of "green jobs." It's a scam.
Bill Ayers banned in Boston
Transitioning towards Statism. Dr Helen
We tend to average around 360 seconds. A smarter look at blog stats. (h/t, Althouse)
The Captain did his bit for carbon emissions yesterday.
Tracked: Mar 29, 16:13
Tracked: Mar 29, 16:13