It's 13 degrees F in NYC this morning. The Park is a winter wonderland.
Church membership decline
I hope these protesters do not return home tonight to a heated house. Related: The Farce of Global Warming at Am Thinker
Do Congress' kids go to public schools?
Control of the Census and one-party rule
America's worst traffic bottlenecks. h/t, Marginal Rev
Party like it's 1928
Brits fighting Brit jihadists in Afghanistan
For once, I kinda agree with Krugman. Revenge of the Glut
Tax increases for the middle class are inevitable
Obama's Doublespeak. Villainous. Leftist pols rarely say what they mean directly.
The big reward for mortgage fraud. WSJ
And yet another tax cheat for the Administration. What is it about Dems and tax fraud?
Affordable housing. Guess what the median home price is, in Detroit
John Bolton on Iran
Tax hikes "demotivating and demoralizing"
Rahm: Obama agrees to 9000 earmarks
Nobody ever accused blogger Pam Geller of being shy. A revival meeting for Geert Wilders. If he stands for free speech, then I am on board. I am not sure that he isn't a jerk, though.
From Insty:
What is it with this President? Obama has an obsessive need to find enemies against whom to campaign. . . . Attacking lobbyists is not the point of Obama’s latest ploy. Rather, painting anyone who opposes him as a “lobbyist” is the point. In attacking the “lobbyists” Obama is doing what he did on the issue of race during the campaign: Anyone who opposes me doesn’t just have a different opinion, they are evil and dangerous to the rest of you. This tactic simultaneously generates support among the majority and silences the minority. Other presidents have been accused of using “enemies” as a political rallying point. Almost invariably, however, these enemies have been foreign (the “evil empire” and “axis of evil”). Obama is the first president “in my adult life” to set American against American, to create enemies at home as a political rallying point, to create a climate in which law-abiding American citizens are singled out as being worthy of attack.
Yep, Barack has met the enemy, and he is us.
Wilkinson on the Dem-union attack on the DC charter school experiement:
If you believe, as I do, that the returns to further government spending on education, given its present structure, is zero or negative, and that the best hope for increasing the quality of education for the least well-off, and for increasing economic and social mobility generally, is to legalize competitive markets in education, then you will tend to believe, as I do, that this attempt to destroy voucher programs before than can show themselves effective is nothing less than a powerful political interest group screwing over poor people by bending the democratic process to their advantage.
From Steyn on Statezilla:
Is the new all-powerful Statezilla vulnerable to anything? Unfortunately, yes. He loses all his superpowers when he comes into contact with something called Reality. But happily, Reality is nowhere in sight. There are believed to be some small surviving shards somewhere on the planet — maybe on an uninhabited atoll somewhere in the Pacific — but that’s just a rumor, and Barack Obama isn’t planning on running into Reality any time soon.