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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, January 21. 2009Godspeed![]()
Posted by Gwynnie
in The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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My place, about an hour's drive south of Bush's, is likewise covered with the pesky cedar. Really hard to control, since the hill country was overgrazed for a hundred years which opened the whole region to the bird-droppings-carried seeds. It's not really cedar --it's "mountain juniper" --and it claims first water, robbing grass and hardwood alike. Reminds me, a new year's resolution was to walk out at least once a week with a chain saw full of fuel and cut 'til it runs dry. The work is in the stacking for later burning whenever the weather allows (wet ground, no wind). Used to be plenty of Mexicans around, they'd rent a place in the area and bunk up a large crew, and cut cedar at a price the cash-poor hill country folks could afford. But no more. It was too mutually beneficial for rancher and Mexican alike for the Lords of DC (which is God knows how much further away than the Rio Grande) so now you see old granny 80 years old out trying to clear the durn cedar.
I don't recall the Lords of DC wanting the Mexicans gone. Seems to me it was the obsessive hysterics of the pot banging right that wanted 'em gone. The Lords of DC had their own uses for them.
He's an unapologetic man's man, which is what I always admired about him. He wasn't conservatively pure enough for the screeching righties who in the end seemed determined to out insult and deride him over the moon bats...shame about that. I think his legacy will look better with time. I know I miss him. I took supporting him as a badge of honor against both the moon bats on the left and the whining screechers on the right. I'll take good people wherever I can find them regardless of their ideological purity.
A country that won't do its own stoop labor is doomed. Besides, it's good for granny. My aunt made 98 1/2 and she never shied away from stoop labor. You'll be a longer lived man for it, Buddy.
Phil's right --we torpedoed ourselves --while we were screaming about Mexicans and Dubai Ports our congressmen were setting up DBA shop (like a buncha democrats, of whom it is expected), Lucky Luciano's Baltimore capo's daughter and the senator from Vegas took over both houses of congress, and the world has been circling the drain ever faster ever since.
Bob, right on that as far as it goes, but there is a thing called "productivity", too. Mr. Buddy,
I need some wood cut. I've tried cutting wood as a woodcutter would, but I'm just a little thing and I swannn, it wears me so! Would you be so kind to come hep me, please? I will pay you well and tender each log you hand me. Thank ye. June June, you must forgive my skeptical nature, but you write and sound alot like a famous blogger named Meta Mays.
Meta is entering Dancing with the Stars, with her partner Henry Waxman. Meta also skis with a wind chill of -150. Which has yet to be calculated in New England, unless your on Mt Washington. She is very bright and smart. Just like you June Mr. Jappy,
Do you know... why, that Henry is most rude. We were scheduled for the Tango, my most favorite two-step if you know what I mean, and with my stilettos on, even little me towered over him such that my breastesses were in his face and don't you know he took full advantage during the tight turns and buried his nose into my cleavage whereupon he left drizzles. Why, I was so distressed, before I knew what took place, I was walking offstage barefoot and he was onstage with my stiletto heels up his nose. I personally believe it was justice if you ask me. No doubt for the Quadrille, I shall have to stuff some tampons into my bodice. June You are a riot!!! I'm going to bed. Laughing all the way upstairs.
Which one is the henry Waxman June E. Purr is gone skiing with?
http://www.moonbattery.com/archives/Henry_Waxman_Phantom.jpg I think the guy on the left. What a chick getter that Waxman.
There's nothing like manual labor out-of-doors to cleanse mind and soul. You have to love people who understand this and don't find themselves too good to get their hands dirty.
Right guy, (mostly) wrong times?
As I said once before, nobody wanted Reagan because he was the jingo who was going to start WW III. Then suddenly, everybody wanted Reagan because he'd be that solid and wise leadership change from Carter. (Whether voters were smart enough to recognize that the timing was critical for taking out the USSR is subject to debate.) Why Bush went fiscal nuts, or port and border lazy, or weak into Iraq... I dunno. But I do know if he’d had different conditions to work with, perhaps what Clinton had, he’d probably be remembered quite differently. It’s a shame ad hominem is easier for most to do, than context is for them to see. Hard to believe I know--but, I truly believe that Mr. Bush arrived in DC really thinking that they could do well by walking down the middle of the road. But, even before 9/11 right after he announced his "No Child Left Behind" strategy, every teacher in this state began to concoct ways in which his ideas would sure fail. You can go back and look at the early articles done in the Seattle Times and you will see a pattern of intentional failure--passive aggressive on the part of the teacher's union here. They announced it would fail, and then made certain it was a much hated concept.
I love the smell of cedar: either standing on hot days, or in the fireplace. Got my beloved a brand new top dog Stihl for his last birthday--didn't tell medicare about it! :-) Seeing that he is a little older now then he was when I used to go out with him and help--I bought him some protective chaps, etc. He swears he wont' wear em--but I just cant' stop trying to keep this guy around the house! He'll wear em! i think your term 'passive/aggressive' is key. Combine it with the communication revolution, the explosion of real-time bottom-up opinionating, by which the national commentariat was able to gleefully join a defining-down of deviancy (thank you for that term, Last Good Democrat Moynihan) while grinning with a shoulder shrug, and you have what amounts to a BDS Movement, wherein half the citizenry absolutely refused to be governed by GWB. No leader, not Caesar nor Napoleon nor any earthly being short of Jesus Christ, could have led under such a condition.
Passive aggression must be very powerful indeed:
http://www.hist.umn.edu/~ruggles/Approval.htm AP, beware cedar in the fireplace --the tar builds up and can cause a real problem --take it from me --
I'm just so proud of Henry's house Oversight Committee, which was busily and earnestly edifying the world with protracted hearings on steroids in baseball just as another little responsibility, call it "Fannie & Freddie", blew sky high the global financial system and 50 or 100 trillion dollars of hard-won and future-vital capital.
But boyo boy did DC ever get even with that Roger Clemens! Now we know, there's no bigger stud than Henry the Ugly, Duke of Oversight. |