Good luck to the new Pres, and all the best to George Bush with our thanks for taking on a thankless job (photo from Anchoress). These people are only human...and, for better or worse, there happen to be three equal branches of the federal government. It's a bully pulpit, though, if one knows how to use it. GW didn't know how, or didn't care to. Celebrity was not his goal.
The death or re-birth of the financial supermarket/ Or will all of the banks end up nationalized?
A proposal to make newspapers non-profits.
What Obama brings to Conservatives.
Good essay: Kristol on Our next War Pres
Reminder to the orgasmic MSM: Half the country voted for the other guy.
McCain's campaign was pitiful. Like Dole, I think he was told from the start that he had no chance, so just go out there and be a good sport.
From the unions, a deafening silence on climate. Related: Climate update at Gateway
What is affordable housing? Sowell
Hamas torturing Fatah. That is true torture.
Florida: The Fool's Golden State. Vanderleun
A guy who is clearly not optimistic about Obama.
A grim milestone indeed. Government jobs in the US pass manufacturing jobs (h/t, Insty):
Who is supposed to make the money and profits to pay for all of those salaries, benefits, and pensions?