Moonbattery notes that the photo above makes it clear that some forms of "freedom" may be preferred over others.
A look at Cuba before the socialists destroyed it and turned it into a third-world country
The O admin attempts to stifle criticism of stimulus
Related: Betsy on the Chicago Rules
Looks like a true thriller. Yikes.
The Lituus:
Bach's motet (a choral musical composition) "O Jesu Christ, meins lebens licht" was one of the last pieces of music written for the Lituus.
The unreliability of eyewitnesses. h/t, Dr X
Are the O and the Dems playing a deep game or, as our Roger said on Friday, a simple game?
Makes sense to me: 82 year-old strangles 71 year-old girlfriend for loading the dishwasher wrong.
Biggest mystery in American history. A quote:
The U.S. spends a huge amount on education; more per student than anyone else; more and more every year. Simultaneously, over the last 70 years, literacy has fallen, SAT scores have fallen, American competitiveness has fallen, and the general knowledge of ordinary citizens has fallen. Teenagers graduate from high school who can't read their diplomas; the country now has 50,000,000 functional illiterates. I recently saw on television that the wealthiest, most successful country in the world--that would be us--hovers around 18th internationally on reading, and 25th in science.
I submit that all of these facts taken together are paradoxical; one might say, impossible. It's as if I told you that an ordinary man consumed 5000 calories a day and lost weight. So this, I submit, is the greatest mystery in our history.
I am past the point of doubting that the climate change hysteria is anything more than the latest excuse to grab power.
School Choice: the new civil rights struggle
The Denny's Octomom Special
A definitive, updated history of West Germany’s depraved
Baader-Meinhof terrorists
Open-source software
wins the day. But there is a cloud.
The Incredible Shrinking Clintons.
Dick Morris. That was the plan. No oxygen use, and no emissions. A quote:
Just as Lincoln buried his rivals Seward, Chase and Stanton in the Cabinet and then on the Supreme Court, and Wilson buried Bryan at the State Department, so Obama has hidden his predecessor and his rival in plain sight at the upper reaches of the government.