Our News Junkie is still at sea. Here are a few of my gleanings today.
A word on evil, capitalist Peach barons. Sippican. Big Peaches once ran America, back in the day. Then it was Big Prunes, then Big Tobacco, then Big Oil, and now - Big Blogs, like us, rule the world and, indeed, the cosmos itself.
LaShawn is ready to shut down a certain organization.
Who is supposed to pay for these stupid biofuels? Not me. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Brits fed up with immigration. The govt doesn't care. Small Dead Lemmings
Found a new blog I like: The Oxford Medievalist. So many blogs, so little time.
In praise of bad writing. Yes, some of us cannot help it.
Is a G8 a jet? Mr. Free Market
Also, re G8: A quote from Tangled Web:
Oddly enough, and despite all the green rhetoric, EU emissions have been RISING even as US emissions have been FALLING. And even worse for the eco-wacko's, the carbon credits so beloved of so many, have been shown to be at best environmentally neutral, if not an outright fraud. And with China and India very clear that they will NOT be restricting their economic growth to keep Angela happy, the ambitions of Merkel and her socialists cronies can be seen to little more than hot air.