A quote from a Duke prof about what he learned from the so-called rape case (from an excellent summary piece at Durham in Wonderland):
America, and the world, is sick with white supremacy and racism; heterosexism and homophobia; patriarchy, sexism, and transphobia; and poverty and capitalist excess. These systems all interact to create a culture of violence that must be changed. We teach our children the lessons of these systems, and they grow up to reinforce them. We must dismantle these systems if we hope to end the onslaught of violence . . . Survivors will create the path forward. In resisting violence, homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, and capitalism, survivors of oppression generate the vision for the rest of us to follow.
That profound, nuanced, deeply historically-informed cultural critique must have been xeroxed from the Cultural Marxism Handbook for grades K-2. Hmmm. That ain't what I learned from the story.
What I learned is that there are more psychotic, deluded, ignorant, propaganda-ist, hateful, arrogant, and embittered paranoid-psychotic folks teaching at our expensive universities than I had ever imagined. I always thought that colleges, these days, were evolving into kindergartens, but I did not realize that they were voluntary asylums where wackos have their delusions reinforced by an equally insane community, and get paid for it (probably to keep them off the streets).
Thanks, Duke, for clearing that issue up for me. Now, o wise prof, explain to me what "transphobia" is? Fear of trains and planes, or what?
Image: An oasis of sanity at Duke.