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Wednesday, January 6. 2021Regarding Today's Activity in DCThe real issue I see coming out of what's going on in DC is not what has happened. What occurred in DC is not that different from what's been going on all summer. It's not right, it's uncalled for, and it doesn't matter who you support. It's just lawless behavior and it should've been stopped in the summer - just as it should be stopped here (and I'm sure it will be). It's wrong that the media spent the whole summer telling us riots were 'peaceful' protests and didn't care about the destruction of businesses and livelihoods. That was wrong. The only thing we 'lost' here was a few hours and a slowdown to the certification. As a result, the credibility of our journalists has reached a new low. Today was wrong - we cannot pretend that this kind of behavior is acceptable regardless of who we want in office. But we've been told all summer that rioting is fine. It just matters what you're rioting 'for', I guess. The REAL problem, as I see it, is that finally the politicians have a taste of what they've wrought...and they will use it to insulate themselves further from the people. And that will be a very bad situation. These politicians have outsourced their riots to other cities for years. They've never felt the wrath of the people. Now that they have, they are blaming the people for the problems they, the politicians, have created. You can be sure they will find ways to continue to distance themselves from us rather than realizing this is just the start of the people demanding our PUBLIC SERVANTS act like what they are, rather than acting as our overlords. Trackbacks
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While the invasion of the Capitol is to be condemned, note that the demonstrators were not burning or looting buildings, nor physically attacking or trying to maim or kill persons, unlike the Democratic Party/Antifa rioters during much of the year.
I don't think we are going to hear "mostly peaceful protest" from the media, though that better describes today than what took place before. Nor will there be any complaints about police shooting an unarmed demonstrator. "With 40% of the country thinking the election was stolen, this was to be expected — especially after the unified voice of the media saying for years that if you feel disenfranchised it’s okay to riot. Our ruling class, and particularly our media, have been playing with fire for years and I hope that this will be enough to shock them into more sensible behavior. But so far they’ve not lived up to my hopes." - Glenn Reynolds
I agree. I wouldn't say it was to be expected. But if it was - and many people (including the media today) believe it WAS expected - then why was there not more police at the ready? Why not have more protection out there?
My view is they WANTED this to happen. "They" as in the administrative state, the Democrats. Create the OPPORTUNITY for a peaceful protest to turn as violent as possible and say "SEE? WE TOLD you the Trump supporters were violent!!!" Well...it seems to have worked. Absolutely, the DC Mayor had in advance called out the National Guard as well as police forces. Their ineffectual deployment could only be deliberate, given the political incentives at play.
Spot on Bulldog! Strikes me there is a very clear pattern. Show me one single broken window at all the numerous "conservative" rallies and protests over the last several years? From the massive Trump rallies to the March for Life, no one ever sees violence or damage.
Meanwhile, the staged bricks and molotov cocktails were generally thrown by young, unemployed white males and street people paid to show up and rage by hidden handlers. I am given to believe a "small number" breached the capital this afternoon. I'll wager this was staged ... this small group are paid actors sent in from the "other camp". Timing is perfect. Script is classic trade craft. Objectives are crystal clear: 1) Provide Media and Democrats their filmed talking point to paper over their horrible malfeasance regarding Antifa and BLM through the summer; 2) Create predictable revulsion among decent middle-of-the-road and conservative citizens to break them away from Trump AND those few noble congress critters who were set to use their constitutional prerogatives to seek some kind of review or redress of the election shenanigans. These folks are playing for keeps. Can there be any doubt? I'm inclined to agree. This was the perfect Hegelian dialectic that allowed so many of our "conservative" representatives and senators to suddenly backtrack on their promises to object to the election.
I'm calling bullshit. I couldn't agree more - the opposition is fighting to win, with no holds barred and almost nothing to stop them.
We are boxed in, out of ammunition and the building is on fire. President Trump has done what he could, but the sabotage, subversion, and treason of the media, etc etc have hamstrung him time after time. The ruling elite are going to get what they want at whatever the cost. There is no appealing to their better natures - they have none. I'm sorry to say that, but if the last 4 years have taught me anything, it's that we are not united anymore, and it took the gift of Donald Trump to make it graphically clear. The media spiders are spinning lies in their sticky webs of deceit to frame what happened yesterday as everything it isn't. Was the opposition involved in that mess? Of course they were! You can't convince me otherwise. Of course Trump will be blamed for it. Of course. From the "You're It" article on twelveround.com: "The problem with patriots is their sense of fair play and duty. They are easily backed down from taking a stance by the propaganda machine branding them with one detestable attribute or another. In this case, they are described as members of the Trump cult. If there is a cult at all, it is the American cult, something the left can't abide." I used to teach a course on how social movements become violent, and how emergent groups resort either to insurgency or terrorism. The Tea Party was a social movement that simply petered out (like the Occupy Wall Street movement), not devolving into violent splinter groups like the Black Panthers and the various terrorist groups in Europe during the 1980s. But I recall asking my students what would have happened had the Tea Party protest in DC been fired upon and people killed and wounded? The Capital police today shot and killed a woman. The result could be ugly. And if the Federal Government resorts to more violence, as is usually the case with governments under attack from within, I worry about what will follow.
Would've been a great course! But I think I would been a troublesome student!
The Tea Party didn't peter out, they were the initial victim of cancel culture. They were smeared out of existence! The establishment media went after them out of the box. It was a test run for what we see to today. The media practiced on the tea party! They ramped up the propaganda / agit-prop game to turn the decent flyover tea party people into mouth gapping racists. It was a dry run. Remember Anderson Cooper introducing all of us to that delightful term "teabagger". And I'd add the Occupy Wall Streeters was the same thing, a dry run. But what's different, they didn't go away or peter out. They just changed uniforms. The same unemployed white kids, street people and smattering of true believing Marxists (useful idiots, funny enough) being paid to throw rocks and break windows. Would you have failed me? :-) I would have to disagree about your statement on the tea party. 12 round blog (T L Davis) wrote a pretty good piece titled "You're it) the other day which covers the growing dissent that gave us President Trump.
As in previous events, the rioters are Antifa, infiltrating the Trumpies for a false-flag to discredit them. See multiple, trustworthy reports on this at gellerreport.com.
Antifa, dressed up as Trump supporters.
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErExNgPUcAIh5aw?format=jpg&name=medium that's who did the rioting today. As I've said before a lot of our leaders just don't get it. There are 75 million Americans who are pissed. They know the election was stolen and to hear Republicans tell us that we should all just suck it up and vote again in four years is incredibly stupid on their part. Frankly I would have much more respect for our leaders if they said that they know the election was stolen and they don't care what we think about it. But to piss down our leg and tell us it's raining deserves a violent response. This is just the beginning.
The TEA party was crushed by Obama admin thugs... IRS, FBI, Bolshevik media...
If the "elected" leaders continue to ignore their constituency this is the only path. What else can we do to have a serious inquiry into election fraud? have some tea! but maybe this time don't expect fair treatment under the law (no "tax exempt status").
So, you say the protests today were wrong to cross the barriers, wrong to interrupt Congress, wrong just as the riots this summer were? You say, the politicians have been outsourcing their violence, eh? You say, this plays right into the Ruling Class’s hands, and they will further insulate themselves at our expense?
You say, this summer the Progressive Left/Antifa/Democrat protestors burned, they looted, they beat up people, while today’s protest was mostly peaceful and there was no burning, no violence, no looting? I ask you, then: So what? You’re complaining that your protest is being treated unfairly, differently? So what? What you’re really complaining about is this: The wrong people have the power. They have the power to use force against you – or not. They have the power to prosecute you – or not. They have the power of the media megaphone to denounce you as a menace to society – or praise you as a brave social warrior. They have the power to send SWAT in the wee hours, complete with arranging news coverage. They have the power to control elections. They bend the rules to suit their purpose and amplify their power. You are complaining that they have the power, and you don’t; and you are correct. Now: When have you ever seen someone who wields power in ways that are so arbitrary and ruthless, relinquish it without violence? No. I am afraid you've completely missed the point.
I AM concerned about power and its abuse, yes. No, it's not about WHO has the power. The "right" person never has the power unless that power is held by the individual himself and has the politicians ready to protect the individual's right to that power. Our nation has frequently had power shifts without violence...and with violence. But the reality is we can do better. I know Antifa played a role, FWIW. On the other hand, it was NOT ALL Antifa. After all, many Trumpistas have posted on Instagram already about how they "stormed" the Capitol. Goaded on and/or accompanied by Antifa? Possibly. But like the summer riots this was not all Antifa (the Boogaloo Boys played a role over the summer) and it was not all Trump supporters. In each case there are agent provocateurs at play and willing participants who blindly follow. Not going to fall in line with your story here. There may be a time to fall in with violence and lawless behavior. But that time is not now, and it certainly won't be me. I think you've missed mine, as well. I don't condone the protestors who stormed the barricades or interrupted Congress - they seem to have been a small handful and tragically one of them, an Air Force veteran, was shot and killed. I don't condone riots or violence of any kind. I support protest that is peaceful and lawful.
My point is, at no time in my life has the contrast of the application of power been so starkly polarized, where the worst or best possible outcome can be determined by your political preferences. People have been granted passes by our leaders, effectively, to go out and misbehave to achieve political ends. Of course this often happens in politics - my point is, look at the scale of what Progressives have wrought this past year, the absolute appalling standard that has been set: Organized sacking and looting, with materials provided ahead of time and conveniently placed by the pallet at curbside to wreak havoc. Business districts decimated, total losses for some small businesses. No prosecutions, few arrests, most of these simply released within hours; few-to-no consequences - if you're of the right political persuasion. Have you ever seen this? Ever seen prosecutors attack police and scoff at the idea of enforcing the law? I haven't. We've had race riots in the past, flare-ups that go for a few days and are brought under control. Not this year. And my grave fear is, this past year has been a warmup, a successful test run with no meaningful opposition, political or social. With both houses and the presidency, what is in store, I wonder. I've never seen power so misused in society before, and now they appear positioned to consolidate this into the New Normal. Does anyone think they would relinquish this power peacefully, if by some miracle they lose an election and lose majority? I don't. I was sure CNN would have reported it as a "mostly peaceful protest".
"contrast of the application of power been so starkly polarized"
And the contrast carries over to the treatment of individuals. Misdemeanor warrants are delivered to those on the wrong team in early morning raids performed by SWAT teams with media cameras rolling. I believe in hopes of provoking a media worthy confrontation. Watched a little, looked more like antifa types roaming around, somehow the Reichstag Fire comes to mind, where the Nazi's (here played by the Dem's antifa) set up a situation which they then took advantage of. If someone knows, is that in Saul Alinsky's playbook?
I believe that Antifa was a substantial influence in the events in DC today, but I'm willing to believe that there were also Trump supporters involved.
According to the Constitution, we are guaranteed the right to petition for the redress our grievances. There have been scores of suits filed to address irregularities and illegalities in the last election. I don't think a single one has made it into a courtroom. Many were dismissed out of hand for ridiculous reasons such as it was filed too late or the filer lacked standing. If the people of the country cannot get their day in court with regards to the honest running of an election - the most fundamental aspect of our government - than what are they supposed to do? Wave flags, chant chants, and get ready to vote in the next election? They have already experienced the futility of voting (if not in reality at least in perception - that perception is allowed to fester because of a lack of transparency throughout the process and the challenges to that process). So, yeah, there was ugly stuff going on in DC and some of it may have been perpetuated by Trump supporters. What was their alternative? I'll wait patiently. Compare and contrast the media and social media coverage of the Democrat/BLM crowd invading and occupying the WI State House and what happened today.
No offices set on fire. No destruction that I've heard of except windows broken to gain entry , and we don't know which actors did it. But a message was sent.. The toothpaste is out of the tube. DC politics and the swamp will be unable to return to pre-Trump era BS. Just like the Tea Party had a huge effect on the GOP, there will be fruit from what happened today, yet unseen... and not all of it will be dreadful nor unneeded. We'll see. This is just going to green light the Chinese on taking more and more aggressive actions on Hong Kong, Taiwan and the South China Sea. They know the U.S. is so fractured it won't respond.
"What occurred in DC is not that different from what's been going on all summer. It's not right, it's uncalled for, and it doesn't matter who you support. It's just lawless behavior and it should've been stopped in the summer - just as it should be stopped here (and I'm sure it will be). It's wrong that the media spent the whole summer telling us riots were 'peaceful' protests and didn't care about the destruction of businesses and livelihoods. That was wrong. The only thing we 'lost' here was a few hours and a slowdown to the certification."
I agree. What we witnessed today in DC is Banana Republic idiocy. But not nearly to the same scale as say Chicago. I read now that Congress has reconvened: https://www.theepochtimes.com/joint-session-of-congress-resumes-pence-denounces-violence_3647019.html?utm_source=newsnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-01-06-6 and I am confident that the Congresscritters are not meeting in a burned down building which was looted of everything of any value. We do need more information about the fatality. What happened in DC today has nothing in common with the past summer riots. 70 MILLION people voted for Trump.
Here in LI NY people waited in line for hours to vote, and they were not voting for Biden!!!! Washington DC, belongs to the American people, paid for by their sweat, blood & taxes, and they may enter any building they wish! This nice ,nice BS has to stop. The founding fathers, as they quoted, new this day would come of blood letting. One must purge evil. People are the same as four thousand years ago, greedy & power driven. We are no more enlightened than the Romans, who failed. Banana republic elections beget banana republic riots.
Viva Frei / Barnes Law streaming live now from DC on the events of today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnevIjvohvQ&feature=emb_logo The fact that anyone is still talking about journalistic credibility is proof that they are brainwashed, or supporting the journalistic narrative..
Bulldog, I agree with you as far as you go, but I think there is a fundamental difference between riots and people demanding their government hear them. It's precisely the same situation as when Weicker locked the citizens out of the State Capitol over the income tax. Unfortunately, the citizens respose to that was acquiescence, or at least was mistaken as such.
It is difficult for me to even consider what happened yesterday as something to be condemned. If anything in this is condemnable, it is the fact that the citizens let the government get away with what they have for as long as they have. BTW, there are those of us now or formerly in public service who have been trying to get the citizens' attention about this for decades, often at considerable risk. It is not encouraging that the response has been crickets, at best, or more typically, snarking along the lines of, "Those d*mned public employees ..." Spotted this yesterday - Andy Ngo's had way too much experience with Antifa.
I think what we're seeing are people who are pretty much completely pissed off, and for now are willing to be peaceful about it. Peaceful - FOR NOW. That can change really fast, and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end when it goes pear-shaped. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/expert-andy-ngo-it-wasnt-antifa-at-the-capitol-riots Au contraire, what's uncalled for is the patriots leaving with a shred of the traitorous congress intact and a single traitor therein in power.
This was the last chance to undo the coup d'etat that the communists have been running, successfully, for a good while now, and that Pence's treason cemented as a bigger success than they no doubt had hoped for. |