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Thursday, April 9. 2020The Future of the Democratic PartyAs I've been recovering, one thing I've thought about is the next four years. There is still a chance (slim, but still exists) Biden could win. So far it seems Trump continues to consolidate his position. His leadership through this isn't what I'd call strong, but then again I don't pay attention to leaders much. I keep hearing how great Cuomo is, but I don't pay attention to him, either. What little I've seen isn't impressive. After all, he was shrinking health care in New York until he decided to play superman. Not to mention he has his fair share of lies and misrepresentations, as all politicians do. Regardless of which politician you want to listen to, believe, or support, the reality is we'd get through this with or without leaders. Most plagues in the past weren't worse because of poor leadership. Leadership, however, is what democracy and politics is about. So that's why the election is still important. Nothing has changed from a geo-political standpoint, we still need to present ourselves on the world stage. That is why I decided to write this, because I'm curious to see how many people are familiar with a certain character who was, not too long ago, elected DA of San Francisco. Chesa Boudin. I was introduced to this character by a good friend and I began reading up on him. I realized he is someone to pay attention to because he may be one of the most dangerous people in the US today. In fact, I've begun to believe the Biden candidacy is a campaign designed to undermine the fundamentals of the Democratic Party, drive it further left, and have more characters like Chesa take over as part of a 'drive for younger people who care and vote'. Sounds conspiratorial, but if you know his life story, it's nothing short of a grooming and it's been stage-managed by a cabal of deeply committed leftists. Look for him to become governor of California and ultimately a player on the national stage, driving a very hard left agenda with him. I don't think Wikipedia is the be-all-to-end-all resource, but note something about the entry. Totally non-threatening. He seems approachable. He's not appearing as a revolutionary, even though he was raised and indoctrinated by revolutionaries of the deepest hard-left ideologies. The devil will appear as a friend, approachable, likable even. He'll make grand promises, utopian in nature. He'll have a good track record, and will be 'qualified'. He's still the devil. I don't believe this fellow is a bad person - I don't even know him. I wouldn't call him 'the devil'. But his ideology, his supporters' beliefs - that is the work of something truly evil. Trackbacks
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He is evil. I do suspect you are right about his future. Disheartening.
Evil sums it up pretty well (see Michelle Malkin's assessment here: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2019/10/30/radical_spawn_chesa_boudin_nations_most_toxic_da_candidate_141616.html)
He is just one of several DAs promoted by George Soros who, among other things, want to empty our jails while at the same time disarm the rest of us. It's hard to see how that is a winning strategy for re-election, but for some reason it may be - at least in the big cities. The roots from whence mr boudin sprang... read
"days of Rage" by Bryan Burrough https://www.amazon.com/Days-Rage-Underground-Forgotten-Revolutionary/dp/0143107976 https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/days-of-rage-bryan-burrough/1120553118 I agree. But howdy is that hard reading. Like reading about WWI by Max Hastings - and others - and all of the points when different decisions could have avoided the mess. I was a young adult in grad school during much of it, but understanding what was really happening didn’t happen until I read Days of Rage. It is a chilling reminder of how thoroughly, how purposefully and persistently the Communist Party has worked in the US sine the 1920’s.
This guy Boudin is is just one of many people who believe that bigger government is a good idea. The future is female! The truth, however, is that the entire system is now so corrupt, and expensive that it can't go on forever. One day it will stop working altogether. And when that happens, it won't be time to "reform" anything. A totally broken system can't be reformed. The court system will simply shut-down. There won't be any judges or trials. And paychecks will stop arriving. Some Police might be willing to work without pay, but many won't. So when people talk about a "move to the left", they should bear in mind that there is no more room on the left. The government's spending is out of control; and when the loans stop coming in, the money will stop going out. Also, let's not forget that we're supposed to repay twenty trillion dollars in loans. That's never going to happen either. So it doesn't really matter if Chesa Boudin wants to become Governor of California. He'll simply be in charge of a massive bankruptcy auction. Everything must go.
"Don't trust the cannibal just 'cos he's usin' a knife and fork!'"
~ Pratchett Like Trump, people like Boudin are elected to office because people agree with what they stand for.
However, I wonder about California. Yes, it is indeed pretty far left politically, and SF well have elected Boudin anyway, but with ballot harvesting as a tool, can the party kingmakers rig the primary vote to put radicals on the ballot? Once they are on the ballot they are as good as elected. If they aren't rigging the primary vote, is this likely in the future? Looks like ballot harvesting would open up a whole new world for party bosses in getting the correct people on the ballot. Andrew Cuomo (D-Five Families) is not the best choice as presidential candidate.
In fact, I've begun to believe the Biden candidacy is a campaign designed to undermine the fundamentals of the Democratic Party, drive it further left, and have more characters like Chesa take over as part of a 'drive for younger people who care and vote'.
I'll disagree with that in part. Where Biden is today is due to the DNC being caught completely flatfooted. He jumped into the race primarily for the purpose of advancing the shampeachment narrative that Trump was using foreign sources to investigate political opponents. He was supposed to gracefully fade away after he played his part. The drive to move the Democrats to the left has already taken place as part of Obama's 'fundamental transformation'. The problem for the DNC is that most of the Democrat voters haven't gotten that memo, and grabbed on to the most recognizable candidate with a link back to bread and butter Democrat issues even if he wound up sounding like Bernie Light by the end of the campaign. I won't disagree with that, entirely. But what I will say is that it's a party with a strong infrastructure that can be easily taken over and manipulated.
Biden is a Trojan Horse. They know he doesn't have a shot at winning, but if he does (by chance) get someone else under him and an administration in place that will take over and drive it all hard left. Assuming he loses (the working proposition), make the story "old white men can't win with old white man ideas" and drive the party left. It's a no-lose proposition for the cabal of fascists and socialists working on that side. Anyone look to see how many votes it took for this guy to win? He just barely won with about 50,000 votes. Not exactly a sweeping mandate.
I have been following him for years. He is anathema to the America I love. He is the spawn of deeply psychotic drones with leftist ideologies. He has never been exposed to normal people.
Spot on analysis. The Left wins by making far left lunacy appear friendly and non-threatening .
Within 24 hours of arriving in Caracas on his backpacking trip through Latin America, Chesa Boudin got an invitation to Miraflores, the Venezuelan equivalent of our White House. No ordinary backpacker gets invited to such august places. Chesa owed his invitation to his leftist royalty pedigree- his foster parents, his parents, and various relatives of his grandparents’ generation. Chesa went on to work for Hugo Chávez. Given Chesa’s first name- a combination of Che Guevara and South America- perhaps this was inevitable. (Chesa Boudin wrote a book about his backpacking adventures: Gringo- A Coming of Age in Latin America.)
After working for Hugo Chávez, Chesa Boudin co-authored a book on Venezuela The Venezuelan Revolution: 100 Questions-100 Answers. One question was whether the Chávez government was communist or not .(5) ls the current government communist (page 38) Chesa replied by making two points: 1) as PCV (Venezuelan Communist Party) members held no significant government positions, the PCV was an insignificant part of the Chávez coalition; 2) fear-mongerers were calling the government Communist to stoke the fears of the middle class, which was afraid it would lose political power and also lose its “modest economic gains.” Regarding the first point, consider an interview that Hugo Chávez gave to BBC Mundo in 2006. QUOTE: "Yo soy sólo un soldado de esa batalla. Fidel es nuestro presidente. Si hubiera que nombrar un presidente del mundo pero con poderes para arreglarlo, ése sería Fidel. Creo que en una década arreglaría al mundo. " My translation: “I am only a soldier in this battle. Fidel is our president. If I had to name a President of the World but with powers to fix it, that would be Fidel. I believe that within a decade he would fix up the world.” Chesa told us that Communists were an insignificant part of the Chávez coalition, but Hugo told us he would give Commie Fidel the power to run the world and presumably, fix it up. Tell me another one, Chesa. Consider Chesa’s second point, that fear-mongerers were yelling Communist to spike the fears of the middle class that they will lose power and become poorer. Chesa, that's exactly what happened. The oppo has definitely lost political power, in spite of having won two thirds of the seats in the December 2015 legislative elections. In the Presidential "elections" of May 2018, Maduro’s Electoral Council took prominent oppo leaders off the ballot. Venezuela’s per capita income has fallen over 50% in recent years. So much for “scary rhetoric,” as what they feared would occur came to pass. What say you, Chesa? The Democrat party was taken over by communists some years ago. If the media was even marginally honest they would report this. There is an international cabal that intends to "loot" the richest country in the world. What we have seen exposed recently about China's lock on our production is the tip of the iceberg of how this has been done in the past. China has tens of thousands of spies and sleepers in our country. They have bought and control our colleges and many other private institutions. There is real collusion between our left wing politicians and China.
The Democrats will win in November because they will steal the election. If the candidate is Biden (and that is in doubt) he will have picked a far left running mate and he will dutifully step down within six months giving the presidency to a far left radical. They will pack the Supreme Court and perhaps even kill a sitting justice or two to make this possible (re: Justice Scalia). After that the Supreme Court will discover that indeed the 2nd amendment only applies to the police and the army. From that point on there are only two possibilities and that is civil war or increased oppression towards a full on communist takeover. An instrument of evil intent should still be considered inherently evil, unless it's inanimate. As others have noted, Boudin was the most prominent of a cadre of DA's that were underwritten by the Soros initiative, to subvert the purpose of the American Justice system. Virtually all of them were massively financed when compared to their opponents, ran on well-advertised bland campaign messages, and then got into office with modest wins. And now the cadre has started in with non-arrest edicts, no-bail measures, etc. etc. Thus we have the NYC Subway assaulter bragging on the nightly news that no jail will hold him.
Think about this: What kind of justice system issues instructions to not arrest criminals when they commit crimes? What kind of system lets convicted criminals out of jail when there's an epidemic on the excuse of compassion, that they're scared of inmates getting sick? Do they think proven law-breakers aren't more likely to break the Shelter-in-place order, that they will somehow miraculously not exploit such a golden opportunity to raid shuttered businesses for criminal gain? These DAs and operatives like them are the enemy of American Society, and they mean us harm. Don't let them in. If they are in, watch carefully. If it continues, I think civil violence is in our future. Democrats are making the same mistake about the American psyche as the Japanese did prior to WWII. Won't disagree. But as usual, people tend to approach things personally.
I've known many people who believe the Progressive claptrap, which I believe is truly an evil tool. They are not bad people. Just probably misguided, misinformed, lacking in understanding, etc. They are good people, though. As tools of evil, are they evil? I'm going to take a step back and say probably not. This guy, Chesa? He MAY BE because he's a true believer. But I don't know him. I do find him to be VERY dangerous...and someone we should keep an eye on. Maybe another chapter in Bryan Burrough's "Days Of Rage" is yet to be written. Maybe.
As to Cuomo, once again he's demonstrated that New York's emergency response plan is "Call FEMA, then call the networks." Thus any problems are due to the Republicans in Washington who he is bravely standing up to, and any successes are the result of his "leadership."
As to Boudin, he seems to have been raised by those to whom A Brave New World was seen as an instruction manual, even more so than 1984. He's been conditioned as an Alpha, and that it is the duty of the Betas and Gammas to be subservient. It's just the way of things. Sure his Skinner Box may have been larger than they used to be, but I have no doubt he was carefully confined, to assure that he was incapable of believing that there was an alternative to his beliefs. Modern Progressive thought isn't that the opposition to their ideas is evil, since it is possible to be rationally evil. The only alternative to their thoughts is insanity, because that is the definition of the opposite of their rationality. His mental map must contain huge regions that say simply "Beyond here be madness." #16 Burrough's book is an excellent compilation of contemporary newspaper reports, but his touted exclusive interviews weren't too revealing. Simply none of these people have come over.
Boudin won a ranked choice election handily. I see Boudin twisting criminal law to create a groups of people who will have no agency under the law and become the force to bully the middle class like in Venezuela. I give him 1 more year before he gets wasted.. Just an observation..
Boudin is collecting all the progressive ravings that Bloomberg spent years collecting. He will be no more electable than Bloomberg and he doesn't have Bloomberg's billions. Let him govern the ever declining California disaster and that will be his undoing.
Boudin's ideas are evil. Whether he is personally, doesn't matter.
Wikipedia + truth + accuracy are the same as our News Media. Non-existent. Stop the social shaming, go rake some leaves and let everyone know how it went...
If you dislike this guy's parents so much, why did you let them spend years of their lives teaching at the university in Chicago? Why did no -- NONE--white male, or female, stand up and say we cannot support these people as faculty?
We are getting what we deserve. Am listening to Fresh Air w/ Terry Gross on NPR - Boudin being interviewed. Coincidence is amazing.