���� Why reject the faux socialism masquerading as Democrat�activist politics�these�days? Because it's no damn fun.
���� They're all just cranks standing on the corner screaming at the traffic and holding placards that read: "The Werld Will End Yesterday." They're always crabby and narrow and in a huff. And they invest every one of their damp farts with the authority of a press release. It' s a sad thing when they display their�female armpit hair gone gray as they hold their "Scooter Libby is the Anti-Christ" placards over their heads. Sakes, lighten up.
���� It's the "facists" (Their spelling; what's with the spelling? they've been to college for nine years) and the old fashioned Democrats that are having all the fun. We're smoking big cigars and telling jokes and drinking good booze and doting on�our children and avoiding headaches by staying out of Post Modern Art museums and�Eminem concerts. And a deer hunter knows infinitely more about nature than some PETA fanatic that's never been anywhere not served by a subway, handing out misspelled screeds outside a KFC.
���� Those "evildoers" are just that, doers; doing real things and having real fun while you Che Shirt snivelers mewl 24/7 that Bush is Hitler and Rove is Goebbels and Bill Gates is Satan and Wal*Mart is Hades and Crude oil is brimstone-- and get this: Al Gore is smart. Put a sock in it, Muffie and Biff. You're forever in the audience, and at the wrong show, to boot.
���� You know who's funny? Mark Steyn is funny. It's easy to be funny, when�he's making fun of you:
Herewith, "A Call To Celebrities To Conserve":1) Instead of using your air-conditioning system on hot summer days, why not have Barbra and her current husband, actor James Brolin, over for lunch? Ask James how his movie career's going. You'll soon notice the sudden chill in the room!
2) Recycle! Those old breast implants you had taken out? Pop them in the freezer and you'll find they make excellent cold compresses on humid afternoons!
3) In the evenings, cut down on your energy usage by keeping the room as dim as possible. An easy way to do this is to invite Alec Baldwin and Julia Roberts round to discuss politics.
Read the whole thing here.