Re-posted from May, 2006
In 2006, who cares about a dumb subject like skin color except academics, panderers, race-pimps, and lefty loonys? Our society has moved way past it, fortunately.
Nowadays, we care about what is in people's minds and characters - and especially in their behavior.
And nowadays, the whole world wants to learn about Western Civilization and culture - except for a few Jihadists and a few radical feminists.
Thus I am in perfect agreement with Scott's piece on Dartmouth President Wright, which probably applies to many if not most colleges today - a quote:
When I asked President Wright what message he wanted to convey about the college to our readers, he invoked Dartmouth tradition updated by the benefits of "diversity." The only diversity he mentioned, however, was the vastly increased racial and ethnic diversity of the student body today over the student body of our years at the school, with respect to which he cited the relevant percentages then and now. He asserted the educational benefits of the increased racial and ethnic diversity of the student body. He distilled the academic party line on "diversity" into its 200 proof essence.
When it came to political and intellectual diversity among the faculty, however, President Wright was an advocate of the status quo. Superficial diversity of skin color among the student body is deemed to advance the educational process in some undefined manner, while increased diversity in political, intellectual and cultural views among teachers is deemed relatively unimportant to the educational process. How to say it? The time is out of joint.
Exactly. The effort to replace the usual ideals of morality, nobility, intelligence, curiosity with the new age ideal of "diversity" continues apace. If Wright had said "We have smarter, or kinder, or more moral, or more athletic, or better-rounded, or more specialized, or more artistic kids" - I'd be fine with it. The logical disconnect is to replace traits of individual character and personal achievement with purely genetic, happenstance, mass traits - it is as dumb as saying "We have a taller student body, or more blue eyes than ever before."
If Dartmouth wants true ethnic diversity, (as opposed to surface skin color), I suggest the following - woops - too late - Yale already got these guys:

Or this Frenchie gal, who would definitely add a special something to the cultural mix at Hanover. Well-rounded? She knows the important English words, and she just might be on your call wait list. Name: Tres Jolie. Sports? The lacrosse team would very much appreciate her multicultural collegiality:
Or this Nukak hunter, who desperately needs a Dartmouth education, could help a lot with the blow-gun team, and who speaks perfect Owumbumji: 
Or why not go all the way - intergalactic: this guy can play chess like a demon - "Let the Wookie win." He hates to lose, but his bad breath made his SATs ungradeable. A shoe-in for defense. What team? Any team, but if I were Athletic Director, I'd make him a center in roundball: including his hair, he is about 7'8" and he is not a "pet" alien and his fouling tactics could take your head off and dunk it through the basket:

President Wright needs to be informed that kids do not pay for college to undergo a diversity program: they go to learn about math, literature, Locke and Botticelli - and to drink beer and to have fun before they are forced to grow up.
Image on top: a Benetton ad from the 1980s. Many of their ads were quite enjoyable. But however lovely the surface might be, it's what's underneath that counts. Race is a scam - people are people,