The WCC has taken the now-well-trodden path away from God, towards the temptation of secular and political moon-bat-ism, (which is a much easier path to walk along, as it is the path of spiritual pride and self-satisfaction. It must feel good).
With its co-option by the Loony Left, who hope to use its reputation as one more mouthpiece, the hope for ongoing ecumenical dialog has died. But, I wonder, how important is that idea anyway, really?
A few quotes from the report in Touchstone:
The decision has been a generation in the making, and no single vote, speech, motion, paper, legislative minute, consciousness-raising session, litany of repentance, people’s drama, or interpretive dance arising from the World Council of Churches’ 9th Assembly, held February 14–23, 2006, in Porto Alegre, Brazil, can be accounted as the definitive end of its Christian life. The thirty-year battle for the soul of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the institutional ecumenical movement has ended.
Founded in 1948 to foster the reunification of Christian Churches, the WCC has effectively shed its religious calling, and in its place has chosen social activism in the pursuit of "relevance.”
This “relevance” found voice at the opening session of the 9th Assembly when the North American delegates offered a litany of repentance. Americans and Canadians confessed to the delegates from more than one hundred countries “the sin of racism,” “our compulsion to despoil the earth,” “our thirst for violence,” “the hunger for revenge,” “our lust for empire,” our “self satisfaction and self-adoration,” and our “hearts hardened by terror and media manipulation.”
Latin American delegates joined the chorus agreeing that America was the problem, confessing to having “to breathe air polluted by foreign-owned industries” and to being “subjected unilaterally to the interests of large corporations or the countries reckoned to be great.”
Asian delegates added a refrain, calling for repentance for “the invalid babies still born in Vietnam as a result of Agent Orange used [by America] during the war in Vietnam.” The call had to be made in absentia, however, as no Vietnamese were actually present.
I find this public hand-wringing both pathetic and ridiculous. Not to mention prideful, since I am sure none of them can really take credit for the sins they recite. Read the whole sorry tale here. It reads like just one more story of the Left insinuating itself into worthy non-profit organizations, like the YWCA, the UCC, the Ford Foundation, PBS, etc. Sad stuff. They never quit, and seem to have more time on their hands than normal working folks.
And they have no right to repent any guilt of mine: that is my problem, not theirs. They are not Jesus, and they should climb down from their manufactured plastic cross.
Image: Aslan. Not a tame lion.
The Plastic Cross and the Demise of the World Council of ChurchesLinear ThinkingBird Dog photographs a live Passenger PigeonMonarch Butterfly MigrationChurch Coffee Hour
Tracked: Aug 31, 15:59