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Thursday, June 23. 2016May I ask an un-PC question?You will have to take it on faith (or not) that I have very little racism in me. I find almost all individuals interesting and I can learn about life from anybody. It seems tragic to me. Why is it? Comments
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I think so much of their unemployment happened as a result of LBJ's Great Society where a family could not get assistance if there was a husband/father in the home. In order to get government help the men began to leave and it just snowballed from there. Now their expectations are low and it is now part of a lot of their culture on the lower end, not all of course, but many. I'm like you, the black families/fathers I knew worked hard for their families and tried to better their lives.
Ask our first Black president why he won't sign off on a Whitehouse Council for Boys and Men.
Answer: He was raised by his mom, who now lives in the Whitehouse. Government makes better fathers. Actually, it is his mother-in-law that lives in the White House. His mother died years ago.
It is tragic. It's the fallout from the poverty programs of the 1960s. It's an object-lesson in the difference between intended results and outcomes.
Inestimable harm was done to Black men when the government gave incentives to young Black women to have children without a father in the home. It destroyed the Black family. Black men were no longer needed. Thus, the growth of the aimless underclass that populates our largest cities, the guys who run around shooting each other because they have no purpose in life. Before the 60s, Black men led their households and provided their kids with leadership and values. They were very entrepreneurial and cultivated neighborhoods like Bronzeville in Chicago and Harlem in NY, full of a variety and depth of institutions: restaurants, laundries, banks, law firms, night clubs, etc. Working in Chicago for many years, I had occasion to meet families of African-Americans---mostly from the South Side---consisting of generations of attorneys, judges, physicians, CPAs, etc.---I had a client who was one of 5 brothers who were all physicians, like their father and grandfather before them. The sister was only an attorney because she couldn't stand the sight of blood. That all went away in the 60s. Upon consideration, you would be hard-pressed to think of a better way to invalidate an entire race's existence, and create a moral hazard, than to relieve them of any dignifying responsibility, sign them up for the dole, lock them in a public housing project, and throw away the key. If that isn't a vote of 'No Confidence', then nothing is. I can see why many Black men are so angry. I agree with one clarification. I have come to believe that destruction of the Black family was the intended outcome. These programs are 50 years old and have never succeeded in any of their stated goals. When does the reality of a program's outcomes take precedence over the retoric of its creators?
UPDATE: (duplicated on latest post on subject)
Attention all: A propos the discussion of the Black citizen's failure to thrive in the modern US, I strongly recommend watching this recent speech from ex-communist David Horowitz. He gets to the red meat at about the 13 minute mark, and onward. It is one of the most candid and illuminating discussions of the problem you are ever likely to see: https://vimeo.com/171217703 If the link gets lost, it's on Vimeo and was published Wednesday Morning Club. May 13, 2016. But people of all race and ethnic backgrounds were exposed to those pernicious programs--why the disproportionate damage to black culture?
Have you seen the message being put out by the hip hop culture, civil rights "leaders", Black pastors like Obama's, etc. The teachers and counselors in the predominately Black schools also promote "helplessness".
All feed the "you are owed" mentality that inhibits personal responsibility. Other groups see this but the pressure on Blacks is the focal point. Most of the high-rise housing projects in Chicago were populated solely with Blacks. I'm aware of only one---a single-story--in a decent neighborhood on the north side, that had some White people living in it. Blacks were warehoused in these prison-like fortresses, and innocent and law-abiding people were trapped with some very troubled people, indeed. They should never have been built.
I once passed by the old Henry Horner homes (since razed) on the way to a sports event, and I have never---never---seen anything like it. If you want to imagine Hell on earth, that might have been it. If you lived there, or had a loved one living there, you would never stop crying. I'm not aware of any analogous situation with poor whites. I live in a virtually all white state, with the exception of some immigrants brought here in various refugee resettlement efforts.
Among our poor whites, we see many of the same characteristics that are so often attributed to blacks. Single mothers; another baby to get more welfare; savvy use of the social safety net handed down from generation to generation; drug use; alcoholism; inability to hold a job; etc. They are responding to incentives, true, but also to the mini-culture they are born into. I wonder how much of this came as a result of the culture shift that happened during the 1960s apart from the Great Society programs.
There was a shift from the hallmark of success being achievement (I can make it in the white man's world) to authenticity (I reject the white man's world). You had the blend of post-colonial Marxism, pan-African solidarity, and Black nationalism from the Malcolm X, Nation of Islam, and Black Panthers side. Things like education, upward mobility (except through sports or entertainment industry) and entrepreneurship (of the legal variety) were branded as "inauthentic", methods of white control of Black men, or otherwise not a proper part of a shared Black experience. Add to this the idea that the Black Race was owed for the victimizations of previous generations at the same time government income support programs were established, and the sense of entitlement set in in a single generation. Education, upward mobility, entrepreneurship are all labeled "actin White" and elicit a approbation and often a physical attack.
Perfect evidence that Blacks need the Left even less than Whites need it---Marxism is self-defeating. It's a nihilistic philosophy based on a delusional idea of human nature and and a one-way ticket to nowhere.
No fathers.
Most of us men do what our role models taught us. My dad was a hard worker. He encouraged me to work. I learned from him. Less than 30% of African American boys grow up with a father in their lives. I saw a nature documentary recently on National Geographic about what happened to young male elephants on a reserve in Africa after poachers murdered the adult males for their tusks. Elephants are incredibly intelligent and usually have complex, disciplined family structures where order is maintained by the older members. In the absence of adult males to model themselves on, the young males grouped together with other young males and ran amok in gangs, murdering female elephants for entertainment.
The importance of a father in a child's life can never be underestimated. They listened to the Dems, and did what they were told. See also Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
It's one reason why we should oppose excessive immigration (some is a good thing), in order to preserve jobs for people who are already citizens.
From my experience there are some additional factors:
1. To avoid paying child support. Many 'unemployed' black men work under the table or in some illegal trade. 2. Many black men have been to jail and have long criminal records and are virtually unemployable. I have seen this come back to bite them in their 40's, 50's and 60's even when they have put criminal actions behind them. 3. Most/many black men that I know either drink excessively and/or do drugs. They do this day and night and openly because they see no shame or societal push back. 4. This one is hard to quantify but if you know many blacks you will know this is true. Most blacks are openly racist. Usually one on one they can be polite/reasonable but in groups especially when alcohol is involved they cannot help themselves from running their mouth and running other races down. Certainly and argument can be made about how their own experience contributes to this but this means little to a potential employer who hears two of his black employees talking shit about Mexicans or whites. 5. Another problem is they don't act professional. Not perfect or as adept as a PhD but simply not appropriate to the work situation be it a fast food place or an office. Those are all effects---not causes. We're more than 50 years into this disaster.
I disagree. They are the cause of many black men's unemployment.
Not sure it fits right here but this quote comes to mind:
I once heard Geoffrey Canada say “there must be a less expensive way to transition young American blacks from childhood to prison than our public high schools”. Jeez - those are terrible indictments of our current culture and situation. Anyone got ideas on how to get right?
Other than blowing up every TV station, antenna, and studio, I don't. 100% illegitimate birth rate in the inner cities, no one knows who their fathers are, no one sees a man going to work every day, there is no one to instill a work ethic, no consequences for bad actions, free government money. Generations of young men lost who would never be able to hold a job even if they could find one.
This is what governments do to people. Look how efficiently the Feds have managed the American Indians. It's what kids are taught to admire. Black kids are taught to admire anti-social, chip on the shoulder, and violence, by our helpful lefties.
That doesn't work out well. Good character doesn't depend on genes. It depends on something taught. As does bad character. Blacks think whites are always withholding dignity from them. But dignity comes only from doing something for somebody else, which is what singles you out as unique and noninterchangeable. What works for individuals works as a race as well. Let blacks take up a collection for poor whites and see what happens to blacks' idea of themselves. Blacks are withholding dignity from blacks. The Civil Rights Movement was tremendously successful in popularizing nationally African-American grievances and historical victimhood. At the same time, the radical left popularized the image of the violent black criminal as justified avenger of the same grievances. The newly expanded Great Society Welfare State devastated black marriage rates, and several new generations of urban African-Americans grew up without fathers, with only pimps and drug dealers as role models. Their grandparents were married, church-going, and lower middle-class, but for the last half century much of the African-American community has chosen to conform to the romantic expectations of the national elite by becoming poor and violent denizens of a ghetto culture.
Some years ago the NAACP had a celebration of 50 years of Brown vs board of education and Bill Cosby was the keynote speaker. He blasted the blacks for the high crime rates, fatherless homes, school drop out rate etc. When he finished the head of the NAACP went to the podium and said these problems were not the fault of the black community. Cosby received a lot of criticism for his speech but he didn't back down. In a later interview he said that if you keep blaming other people for your problems, nothing is going to get better.
Is it just expressing the mores of a subculture? A celebration of a vibrant, diversity? Or is it a reflection of the soft bigotry of low expectations?
Just moved and most of the movers and appliance delivery people were young black guys and a few Mexicans. All did super job and acted like they cared. Black guys were way easier to communicate with. So, the one's who are working I think begs the question why not more?
I haven't read many of the comments but isn't the answer obvious? So many are just unemployable. No skills that employers want and a criminal record that dooms young black dindus. DUH!
Had a liberal friend try to tell me 'they act that way because they're poor!' I replied that they're poor because they act that way.
This happened because YOU Maggie did nothing to stop it
Maybe you should have been a public school teacher |
Tracked: Jun 24, 13:00
A reader gave a response to my question about unemployment among young black males in the US. A reader made an interesting comparison with the government's approach to American Indians - give them stuff and hope for the best. When has that approach ev
Tracked: Jun 24, 14:56