Business news: Google is still on a roll. I sold all of mine already, but I try to be prudent with hot stocks. And guess who is back? McDonald's. Their food is revolting, but not their profits...except their fries - better than in France. I know people who pick up a load of fries there when they are grilling steak for dinner.
What suckers! The Brits are moving their jail toilets to please Moslem inmates. Is there a better place to pray, or read, than on the old throne? It must be in the Koran, right next to "Kill the infidel": "Toilets must not face Mecca." Those Blairite Brits are turning into metrosexual saps.
Katrina frauds don't want to give their money back. Huh? It's not their money. Go ahead, play the pity card. That card does not work with the IRS.