Like many bloggers,
the strange case of
the Yale Taliban-
Man has been on my mind. John Fund (his latest piece is linked in the following paragraph) has, of course, been on the story. What's the story really about? Here's my first take on it.
Some of those folks up at Yale are just so doggone smart that they have managed to use their powerful brains to transcend not only Judeo-Christian morality, but all morality, and have thus transcended themselves into the abyss of amoral, ie anti-moral, relativism.
And, all the while, thinking themselves morally superior beings for having done so. (Let's hope they do not run their personal lives in a similar fashion - but I am sure they do not, generally. They live morally, and preach relativism. A rather wierd form of hypocrisy, and the inverse of the common form of hypocrisy most of us practice.)
So, since the wise men of the Ivy League have determined that multicultural diversity and respect have now replaced our narrow-minded and obsolete Judeo-Christian morality, we offer the suggestion that this man might have been an attractive, multiculturally diverse applicant to Yale - had he not been too busy. Goebbels surely could have provided a different perspective - and all perspectives are now valid - right?
No. There is one exception: The Maggie's Farm-type of perspective on the world is definitely not valid. It, alone, is "marginalized" on campus, as they say. We think of ourselves as traditionalist, capitalist, God-fearing, rationally patriotic, freedom-loving, and proudly protective of our country and our heritage. Why is this one "perspective" unwelcome, and disregarded?
Image: Reichsfuhrer Doktor Joseph Goebbels speaking in Hamburg, 1936
"People like to say today that 'diversity is our strength.' It's almost like a State Religion. But diversity isn't our strength: freedom is our strength. Uncontrolled cultural diversity is the story of the Tower of Babel."Tom Tancredo, as heard
Tracked: Aug 17, 07:06