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Friday, March 27. 2015Inequality and Poverty
I see no virtue in economic equalizing. It never worked anywhere, and efforts to impose it by force generally end up with plutocratic, privileged bureaucrats and a nation of serfs serving the State. Why ‘inequality’ can be ‘beautiful’. Furthermore, many people do not base their life choices on money but instead on things more important to them. Related, Socialist Thomas Piketty’s Theory on Income Equality Wrecked by 26-Year-Old MIT Grad Student Poverty in the US? Let's define it first. The US has an extensive safety net able to contain the unfortunate, the feckless, the mentally-ill, the temporarily out of work, etc., etc. We even go overboard with disability, providing for people who could easily do something useful in the world but are working the system. Nobody in the US goes without food, shelter, and a big screen TV if they want those things. Notable also is that US poverty stats do not include any government charity or private charity contributions. Of course, family always helps out first, and that is ignored too. Still, poverty will never go away as long as it is defined as the lowest x% of US income. I am still awaiting the official study which can tell me exactly who "the poor" are in America, and whether they care. NYT: How poor are the poor? Trackbacks
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Newly poor/downwardly mobile
You can tell he doesn't think it is his own fault. FAR LEFT JERK Who Abused Chick-Fil-A Worker & Posted the Video — Is Now on Food Stamps http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/03/hateful-leftist-jerk-now-on-food-stamps-after-posting-abusive-chick-fil-a-video/ re Still, poverty will never go away as long as it is defined as the lowest x% of US income.
Exactly right, Barrister, because as we know, the bureaucracy doesn't ever want to announce the 'war on poverty' to be won. It might make their jobs superfluous. "You will always have the poor among you" Matt. 26:11
its not an issue about tax brackets or feeling smug or even not being able to formally define them, because you can see them every day of the week. its not even a left-right thing. The mentally ill and the developmentally disabled are often poor. We'd have more for them if others didn't soak up the free resources. Including fake accounting leading to corporate welfare. I resent them also.
I have read that about 2 billion people in the world live on less than $2 a day. But in the U.S. our poor live on over $100 a day when you add up all the "free stuff" they qualify for. Poverty in the U.S. is a joke not a problem. I know a lot of young people who are poor and without exception they are buying expensive tatoos, spending $10 a day for cigarettes and buy a six pack or two every evening. Most have cars but somehow cannot afford to insure them. Most have nice clothes and the women have nice hair and nail. And most of them enjoy recreational drugs in not daily at least 2-4 times a week. That is the lifestyle of the poor in the U.S.
The inequality arguement is not intended to help the poor it is nothing more than the classic Marxist agenda hidden in a touchy feely disguise. If you really wanted to help the poor you would demand that the government require them to work for their "free stuff" and show an effort to improve their lives. QUOTE: If you really wanted to help the poor you would demand that the government require them to work for their "free stuff" and show an effort to improve their lives. if you really wanted to help the poor you'd pour soup in a homeless shelter once or twice a week. and don't tell me you do. but no, the poor are part of a "classic Marxist agenda" and because "poverty is a joke", you justify doing nothing. and don't tell me you do anything. While its obvious that libtarded redistributive economic policies have hurt more than helped in the long run, to ascribe an evil intention like intentionally keeping anyone poor is wrong, if for no other reason than it lets someone say, "poverty is a joke" or say, with straight face, the he needs a definition of poverty before he'll acknowledge that it exists.
Demoncraps play to their voter base, the same as any successful party or politician. But there were poor long before there was a Nation Dog Circus, and there will be poor long after the USA is gone. When Jesus said that the poor will always be among us He was acknowledging the inevitability of inequality and the presence of the poor in this world. It doesn't matter why there are poor, it only matters what to do next. Read Matthew 25:35, there are no qualifications to your Christian obligations ("yeah, but these are unworthy, lazy, demoncraptic/Marxist-created poor who should get a job"). . "if you really wanted to help the poor you'd pour soup in a homeless shelter once or twice a week."
Those people are not "poor" they are chemical dependent or mentally ill. If it were up to me I would arrest them, offer them a choice between a bus ticket to LA or jail. "you justify doing nothing. and don't tell me you do anything." I do in fact do nothing to help the poor and yet my method is by far more effective than what the government does at a cost of about $1.2 trillion at the federal level. The reason we have 50,000,000 or so "poor" is beacuse of the war on poverty. We create the "poor". If we did nothing the numbers of "poor" would probably be one tenth what it is today. Just imagine the damage that our welfare system does. Would you want that lifestyle for your own children? Would you tell them to skip school, don't bother studying, drop out at 16 and get pregnant? That is what the welfare system is telling our youth and that is why we now have 5th generation welfare families. You cannot help someone by doing for them that which they should be doing for themselves. I believe most politicians know this as do most social workers. But you can't go wrong by acting as though you really really want to help poor people and if you can pull off acting sincere while saying it that is a plus. So we will continue to piss away trillions destroying the lives of "poor" people until the country goes bankrupt. Why? Because there's no votes in being opposed to helping the "poor". well, you convinced me, "poverty is a joke" and a commie plot. well played, cur.