They are confused about what to do about sex, Obsessed with it. Clearly, homosexuality is nurtured, but what about heterosexual interests?
“We are working with the fraternity on a multifaceted remedy that will require training and other measures be successfully completed before the fraternity can resume its recruitment efforts or host social events to ensure that our values are upheld, and that such a situation will not recur,” Liliana Rodriguez, associate dean at Swarthmore, told The Huffington Post on Wednesday.
"Their values"? This is the college with a co-ed nude masturbation club. That's higher ed in the USA. However, the "training and other measures" sounds like S & M fun. I think this lady dean has whips in her closet. That sounds more exciting than Physical Chemistry but perhaps at Swarthmore they might find a way to call it physical chemistry.
You know that painting. I don't need to tell you or any Swarthmore kid.