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Tuesday, August 6. 2013NGC Update: the 'you're still relevant' edition
While the Anthropogenic Global Warming and Natural Global Warming camps have been filling the airwaves with their usual bickering lately, and certainly the Anthropogenic Chlorofluorocarbonic Warming contingent is trying to stay in the news, the Natural Global Cooling people have been left out — if you'll pardon the expression — in the cold. In case you're new to the global climate debate and haven't heard of the dangers of NGC, you'd better sit your butt right down and get caught up to date. And what those scoffing 'deniers' out there are missing is that we're already fighting the battle on the northern front as the ice sheet moves slowly and inexorably southward. This was in Flagville, North Dakota, just last week:
"It sounds like a train!" What she's hearing is the low-frequency crackling vibrations as the top 6" of soil turns to permafrost for the next 10,000 years. This was also fairly telling at the 5:16 mark:
Such is the raw, destructive power of Natural Global Cooling. Well, as if we needed any further proof after that video, here's the latest on the NGC front: Unprecedented July Cold – Arctic Sees Shortest Summer On Record
The numbers don't lie, folks. Disregard the facts at your peril. This also might be why I'm living in the Florida Keys; Florida being projected to be the last state to have unfrozen summers by 2160. It has something to do with the geography but southern California and southern Texas are scheduled to go decades before that. The water barrier between the Keys and the mainland is also supposed to slow it down, so we've got a number of factors going for us down here. Well, good luck, everyone.
Posted by Dr. Mercury
in The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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That video was damn sobering. I mean, even if it was just some local phenomena (let's hope!), that's still amazingly awesome. That part you quoted, where she was thinking "Ho-hum, looks like the house has stopped it, show's over." was great. Ten seconds later, "Oh, my GAWD!" Such is the unbridled terror of NGC.
I agree! This "Pick on Michael" horror is going to stop right NOW! If I see another one of you yokels dissing poor Michael, we're going to have some harsh words!
Furthermore, I- By the way, who's "Michael"? Dr. Michael Mann, perchance?
The poor Doctor is unavailable at the present time, due to pending school year workup, various career sundries, and backpedaling in Virginia.... I haven't heard an update recently on his suit against National Review & parties. The "full disclosure" part should be quite interesting. Where did that pesky Medieval Warm Period go on your 'hockey stick' graph, Professor Mann?
I, for one, welcome our Protective Drone Overlords!
No, wait -- wrong post. I think the thing that's scary about NGC is that it doesn't have to be very thick. It doesn't matter if the sheet of ice is one foot high or ten feet. Permafrost is permafrost. On the other hand, like global warming, there are always a number of good side effects if we just look for them. Meat will keep much longer in the age of the future, as will milk and cheese. Energy-hogging air conditioners will become a relic of the past. Skis have much less friction than tires so our gas mileage should go way up. Think positive, that's my advice! That's the attitude! And I hadn't thought of 'transportation' in the exciting future world of NGC, but skis are a great idea. Might be a few more rear-enders, but everyone will be traveling at a safe 'ski speed' so I don't expect many serious injuries.
The future's looking rosier by the minute! I think the best thing about NGC is that zombies will freeze. And since they don't have much sense they'll fall down a lot before they freeze so keeping your distance before they freeze will be easier (provided you wear good shoes with ice grabby things or snowshoes or whatever appropriate.
Actually, as these things go, that video is kind of awesome. Without the accompanying text, I would have thought it was going to stop against the house, like she did. It just didn't look inexorable enough. It's too bad she ran out of video, though. It would have been fun to catch it ten minutes later as the foundation slowly lifted away. :-)
Although few have made it out to tell their story, I hear the church steeples toppling over is really quite the sight. Everything happens so slowly that the press is calling it a 'photographer's delight' as there's time for everyone to get that 'perfect shot' of humanity's death. And a budding young photojournalist couldn't ask for more than that!
I just discovered this site a few weeks ago, but already I feel like I'm on the cutting edge of the latest in global climatology! Although I'm an NGW guy, I have to admit the ACW crowd makes a lot of sense. That's what's so nice about today's "new science" and all the options it provides.
Just call us lucky! Even in jest, you make a pretty good point. Never in history has something of such global magnitude had four scientifically- backed models to choose from. And it's all happened within the past year (the addition of NGC and ACW) so we are, indeed, lucky to be living in such historic and fortuitous times. It'll be something to tell our grandchildren.
"Tell us a story, Grandpa!" "Well, when I was a young lad, way back in '13, we had four different models of global climate to pick from!" "Wow! And now there are three thousand, four hundred and eighty-six!" "Uh-yep, hee-hee!" So that'll be fun to look forward to. I believe I saw this same video a year or so ago. I sincerely doubt it was made last week.
BTW, have you noticed that the climate changers are suddenly starting to endorse nuclear power? There was a piece in American Thinker on it last Friday.) They must be desperate! "I sincerely doubt it was made last week."
Ah, so you're one of those 'deniers' we read about in Time magazine. You read about 'em, you hear about 'em, but you never really believe it until you actually meet one. In other news, of course it's recycled. You think amazing NGC clips just grow on trees? You obviously don't know much about the finer arts of blogging. As for your other point, uh-yup, suddenly bad ol' nu-klee-er ain't lookin' quite so bad. Even the two countries that freaked out after Fukushima, German and Japan, are re-thinking their ban. It's understandable if Germany is a little reticent, though, given what a history of destructive tsunamis they have. All I'll say on the subject. The living room air conditioner finally died in May and Southern climate bearable without it. Guess those no-checks from Big Oil could have something to do with it.
If only politicians would take cooling / warming with the same seriousness displayed here.
That ND video is AFF (anthropogenic fracking foam). If fracking is allowed to continue, it will engulf the western hemisphere to a depth of 42.73 feet within 20 years. If the Keystone pipeline it built, the 20 years will be reduced to 16.217 years. I have the graphs to prove it.
The way I'm reading it, you must have the graphs and math to back you up because of those precise numbers you offer. There's simply no way someone could come with such an exacting number as "16.217" any other way!
Kill the AFF! Death to AFF! Doc, please explain what you understand to be going on in the video and where you found it. Also, I could not locate a Flagville, ND. There's a Fordville, ND. And this was, literally, last week in 2013?
thx chuck Darn. I originally used something like "Flabdoodle, North Dakota", then decided that was a bit too goofy and changed it to "Flagville". Sorry for making it so realistic that anyone would actually believe it. :)
I don't know where I found the vid, but I'm sure it's on YouTube somewhere. As I recall, it was something to do with extra-strong winds running across a nearby lake in an unusual direction, causing the water to breach the shore and turn into ice because of the low temps. There was probably more to it than that, but I was too awestruck by the thunder and fury of raw NGC to notice. Like someone said up above, even if it's just some local thing, it's still friggin' awesome. DHmosquito,
OT...thought you might enjoy seeing your "namesake"... The "Music of the Merlins"...the only airworthy DH98 in the world. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nwJ1Dym5TI Thx, Garry. Nice to see that someone recognizes the significance of my handle.
Check this out: http://www.studio88.co.uk/acatalog/info_Gic_M119_M.html Damn, what a beautiful aeroplane (as Jimmy Stewart would say.) cheers chuck DHmosquito,
Great photo. I had seen your moniker and had wondered but, shortly thereafter, Merc confirmed it (a number of weeks ago in a comment section). Unfortunately I wasn't able to get down to see it fly but that will happen this fall. Mosquitos were built about 12 miles, as the mosquito flies, due south of where I'm now sitting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Carthage (an interesting story). Squadron Leader Reggie Reynolds, a quiet and distinguished gentleman (who I knew through my work in ATC) flew the lead DH98 on the first run of that raid. http://www.smh.com.au/comment/obituaries/brilliant-raf-navigator-raided-gestapo-hqs-20120412-1wvxq.html Again, apologies for being OT, Merc. (just another airplane story but a good one). ;)) Just found this video example of an early AGW event: (howz that for a segue? certainly heated things up in the European Theatre...IMO).
2013-08-08 21:17
Airplanes stories are never off-topic in a Dr. Mercury post. :)
The thing about the video is how friggin' low the bombers were flying. You'd think a handful of country kids with deer rifles could have brought down a few. Well, that, or a few AA batteries. It was also an odd piece of German propaganda, because it put on display how ineffective a handful of bombers (armed with conventional bombs, not the incendiary stuff we used on industrial cities like Dresden) are in a city the size of London. Hey, you took out Mr. Cronklin's house at 1249 Devonshire Road! Way to go! Victory is just around the corner!
Dr. Mercury
2013-08-09 08:34
Here's a local TV clip, posted in May 2013. However, I remember watching this months ago, but there is no date in the clip itself. This did not happen in May, don't know why the delay on the part of the TV station in posting it. Notice that the banner says it's caused by "extreme temps" yet the verbal explanation attributes it to "strong winds." Very cool! That scene from inside the busted-through house was amazing. What she said at the end about it being 'late' was that other part I was trying to remember. It was obviously a pretty unusual occurrence. Good job of sleuthing out that clip!
I have to agree with Nobody Impt. This happened in Minnesota at Mil Lacs lake back in May. Still late season ice. Still terrifying. A similar thing happened in South Dakota around the same time. Late season. We've had some heat here in SD but overall has been a cool summer and my arthritis tells me it will be a short one. Was riding to the Sturgis rally on Saturday and couldn't shake the thought that being friggin' cold was not one of the things I expected to feel in August in South dakota.
Indeed. Here 4 mi west of Rapid City it has been a COOL summer and quite wet; certainly when compared with last year's high temps and drought. I'm not complaining. Many nights over the past 2 weeks we have been able to open windows and forego air conditioning.
BTW, it's Sturgis Motorcycle Rally time here this week (or as I like to call it, "The Great Black Hills Motorcycle Festival", which would likely piss off the participants and local vendors who sell all the Sturgis souvenirs). Bikes all over the place. I think like most Rapid City residents do: come, bikers, and spend money during "The Great Black Hills Motorcycle Festival", and pay SD sales taxes, but please, oh please, Dear Lord, make this week go by quickly. cheerio chuck The high here yesterday in Arizona was 62f, low last night was 46f.
My mom lives in the S.F. Bay Area and reported that it was in the low 50's the other day, which is WAY unusual for that area in August. If the horror of NGC comes about, we won't be able to say we weren't warned!
Which may be why Mark Twain said that the coldest winter he experienced was summer in San Francisco.
Interesting how October tends to be warmer than July in the Bay Area. No, he was only referring to the City. The chilly fog creeps in on little cat feet and then promptly inundates the place, down to about Brisbane, where the mountains that run down the Peninsula start blocking it. I used to have a girlfriend in Daly City and I'd leave for there on a beautiful summer June day and have the windshield wipers and car heater on by the time I got there. It was a little surreal.
I'm back! I just suffered a little spate of transient global amnesia, but I'm OK now. I thought I was an AGW nut trapped in the body of an NGC moonbat, but now I realize I really was a NGW acolyte channeling an AGC from a past life.
What's Ann Coulter doing in here? Get out of my head, Ann! Dear 'Ishy' (as his friends call him):
Ann is only there to help. Consider her voice the soft, smooth, sanctifying, serendipitous, soothing serenade of sagacious sanity. And notice how she's whispering, rather than talking aloud, always the sign of a good shoulder angel. Let's just say you could do worse! In case you missed it Doc.
"Rising ocean waters. Bigger and more frequent forest fires. More brutally hot summer days. These aren't the usual predictions about global warming based on computer forecasts. They're changes already happening in California, according to a detailed new report issued Thursday by the California Environmental Protection Agency." http://www.dailynews.com/ci_23819150/global-warming-already-having-dramatic-impacts-california-new They forgot earthquakes.
Well, since this is an NGC thread, I gather you posted it just to hurt any devout NGC'ers in the crowd. Pretty poor showing for a native Nebraskan, IMHO, but hey, all's fair in love and global thermonuclear warming. On the other hand, you're in good company. As you can see above, we have some other NGC haters around whose sole wish in life is to discredit NGC to its very core. Global climatology is, indeed, an ugly business. As for the "oceans rising" part, what the author missed is that CA isn't Florida. It's not at sea level. The waters could rise 20 feet and it wouldn't blink twice. There are cliffs and mountain ranges running up and down the entire coast. Those pretty little beach mansions that are there now wouldn't be "lost" -- they'd just be relocated 20' higher up the cliff. As for the forest fires, as I note in my own NGW treatise, there are two big factors involved, neither of which has anything to do with the climate. The western states will continue to have larger and larger wildfires in the future. And here's the director of the Sierra Club playing the typical leftie: "The thing I find so frustrating is how bought in elected officials are to the belief they can't do the right thing because it will disturb oil companies and some of the most powerful interests in the state." Yep, if it weren't for those darn oil companies, global warming could be fixed tomorrow. What's unsaid is that if the entire state never emitted another dollop of CO2 from this moment on, it wouldn't change a thing. By the way, I noticed the oddest thing. They were talking about ways around the evil of fossil fuels, but there seemed to be a certain word missing. Starts with 'N'? It's one of those fancy scientific words so I'm not sure of the spelling. Something like "Noo-kyoo-ler". Probably just an oversight. LOL.
Good comments all, Doc. As for the earthquakes, as you likely know, they are caused by Global Warming: "We are showing for the first time that the opposite also is true, that the pattern of climate is then able to affect back in a feedback mechanism the motion of tectonic plates." http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:AQbFzFG7UrcJ:www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/560158/scientists_find_link_between_global_warming_and_earthquakes+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a AND they are a cause of Global Warming: "A devastating earthquake in 1945 sent millions of cubic feet of methane bubbling up to the earth’s surface, scientists have found, in new research that could add another source of the greenhouse gas to future climate models." http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2013/0729/Earthquakes-Another-source-of-global-warming-gas-scientists-say-video Gotta hand it to the high priests of climate change, they have all the bases covered. Good stuff! Did you catch the use of the word "recent", implying that there are most earthquakes today than ever before? But given all these RECENT earthquakes, there must be a connection!
Thanks for brightening up my day. :) LOL!
Indeed I did Doc. It's just insane.
2013-08-08 14:20