I haven't believed the employment figures the BLS puts out. Not for about 12 years. They've been poked, prodded and altered in so many ways, they barely pass as reliable. But now the former head of the BLS is stepping up and confirming what most of us, including Jack Welch and Donald Trump, have known for some time. The numbers aren't what they seem, the non-recovery isn't adding jobs significantly, and the employment rate is probably closer to the ShadowStats figure.
Keith Hall believes the US economy is a lot sicker than the 7.6 percent unemployment rate would lead you to believe. And he should know.
Hall was, from 2008 until last year, the guy in charge of Washington’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, the agency that compiles that rate. “Right now [it’s] misleadingly low,” says Hall, who believes a truer reading of those now wanting a job but without one to be more than 10 percent.