In the three days since I offered my free advice to Mitt, we've seen this:
Mitt Romney Slams Obama Over Bain Smears: “It’s Chicago-Style Politics At Its Worst”
and this:
Romney: Obama’s ‘kill Romney’ tactic is ‘disgusting, demeaning’ and ‘dishonest’
and this:
Barack Obama, Liar
Even so, is Romney enough of an SOB to handle Chicago politics? Or are his gentlemanly instincts and moral constitution just too strong to play this already very dirty game? I suspect Romney already feels like a punching bag. He needs to remember that these people do not play by Queensberry Rules. They already said their intention was to kill him and, when it comes to Democrats, the media refuses to play their supposed role of Referee.
To mix sports metaphors, the MSM is running interference for Obama. Everybody knows that. Without websites and Krauthammer, there would be no truth to be had.