The Thought Police
Please imagine what would happen if the kinds of enforced thought codes, which crop up endlessly in the educational institutions, were of the conservative rather than the Leftist variety.
Just for a few examples, what if schools required people to call illegal immigrants "illegal immigrants"? What is they required unmarried mothers to be called "unwed mothers"? What if they required Islamic Jihadists to be called "Islamic Jihadists"? What if they required "affirmative action" to be called "positive discrimination"? Or if radical Leftist organizations had to be labelled "radical Leftist organizations", specifying whether Trotskyite, Stalinist, or Maoist? How would the NYT react?
The Left learned from Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, that if you control the language, you can manipulate thoughts, and Orwell pointed this out for us a long time ago in "Politics and the English Language" - a masterpiece of thought and of the essay form. Fortunately, most people are not stupid.
John Leo on the latest outrages against free thought and free speech. Town Hall.