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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, October 27. 2010Garrison Keillor has me peggedHow does Garrison Keillor know me this well, without having ever met me? This describes me to a T:
Truth is, I am a registered Repub but think of myself as a Conservative, despite my always testing out as "Centrist." Why is Gary so angry? Why are Lefties always angry? I am almost never angry, but often cranky and indignant. Why does Gary hate me? I have enjoyed his humor very much over the years, but his politics are puerile and hyper-emotional. I should add that I am a "know-noting flat earther" too. Yep, that's me: an Ivy Chem major and dumb as a post, clinging to my Bible and guns for dear life. Comments
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Is the man a) unhinged, or b) convinced his writing is clever, or c) aware that this sort of tripe sells well, or d) all of the above.
Didn't NPR just fire some famous guy for saying something not even a little bit hateful but, to NPR, controversial. I suppose this isn't the least bit controversial to NPR despite the hatefulness of it. Knucklehead,
There are three considerations that NPR uses: 1. what is your job - if you are an entertainer (as I assume Keillor is, you can say ANYTHING. 2. who is it about - it is open season on "hairy-backed swamp developers. Other groups, not so much. 3. where you say it - it must not be on FOX News. I note that nobody mentions that Mara Liason is apparently still a FOX News contributor, but I notice that she almost never gives an opinion on a policy or a situation, but rather gives her opinion on how it plays politically (the last time I heard her on NPR, she was quite different - freely spewing half truths and disparaging innuendo. Juan's problem is that he said something substantive on a FOX opinion show. For me, NPR is a well produced, pleasant sounding cesspool on the radio dial. The sooner I stop paying for it, the better. Re: flat-earther (Will Republicans send Science back to the stone age?)
I don't accept many of the positions of Bailey in that Reason article. For example, I don't see how having the giverment do stem cell research promotes science. The issue isn't whether to make it illegal but to have the giverment fund it. Private companies are free to pursue that research if they think it's worth pursuing. I also don't accept his supposition that "man-made emissions of greenhouse gases are increasing the average temperature of the globe". Just because Algore says it's settled science don't make it so. However, I would like to see an end to all energy subsidies (well, ALL subsidies really). That is something he and I both agree on. As for Gary, I haven't listened to him in many years. His Prairie Home Companion show was somewhat clever, but it always seemed to me that the left are the ones who would embrace the notion that all of anything they might choose would be above average. After that, he was a bore. That's my problem, Mudbug. Never thought of Keillor as "entertainment".
Pity the 'diminished rest of us' like Gary? He's clearly ashamed of his parents: he knew too many of the intimate details of the 'sanctified brethren' of Lake Wobegon and used humor to mask his own wish for such woes to be gone from his own memories. Now imprisoned in the garrison of his own mind, he accuses me of being the bully? He doesn't know a thing about me! His only concern is 'the rest of the world' view of him. Like I could taint that somehow. No pity for an obviously gifted writer, but shamefully without a useful mind.
Maybe he doesn't like being called 'Gary.'
Too bad it's not Hebegone . . . . But a lot of folks like him. Old quote, but reminded me of a web site I had not visited in some time, I give you Nihilist in Golf Pants . The site was inspired by that very quote.
I think many of you will enjoy a few minutes there. I used to like PHC, but then I got tired of being insulted every show. I am more than thrilled that I get to still pay for it, though.
The sinister minister of tiny humor caught my eye with his use of the word fakirs. Did he really intend to refer to Repubs as muslim (or, loosely, Hindu) religious ascetics who live solely on alms?
(1) The assumption is that Keillor is a talented writer - he is and isn't. Everything he has written about politics since the late '70s is over wrought, trivial in concept and minor in execution. His ego drives his prose as pronouncements from Olympus. As James Lileks once said, Keillor's syndicated column is ".....devoid of logic, wit, argument, surprise, or, commas, and generally sound like a prematurely elderly fellow seething over the fact that someone dared run against FDR in ’40."
(2) Keillor is an entertainer. He executes his single routine about "Lake Woebegone" well but once he moves outside his comfort zone he becomes the Angry Liberal and uses his PHC show to promote that opinion. I will admit to being a fan of PHC, but only because of the music - he has some great folk and music acts and that I enjoy. And I will readily admit that when Keillor moves to entertain instead of pronounce, he is very good and fairly funny. I appreciate funny. (3) As most Great American Limousine Liberals (or GALLs) in their role as the Elite Intelligentsia (or ET), Keillor has mastered the art of weekly column writing using words and phrasing nearly identical in formlessness, subject and are general pointless from week-to-week. He speaks to the Great Unwashed of fly over country from the perspective of somebody who never has to worry about $6/gal gas or a mortgage on a Million Dollar Home - which is a trait of the GALLs of ET. I once again have to quote the great James Lileks speaking of Keillor "There’s conversational writing, and then there’s just talking to yourself as you make coffee." Clearly Keillor is doing the later, but unfortunately getting paid huge sums of money to do so. Obligatory Disclaimer: I enjoyed and highly recommend Keillor's "The Book of Guys" - it is very funny and in large measure true. It is what Keillor could be as an author or entertainer if he only paid attention. I hope you don't intend to imply he can sing well? Because he really can't.
Boy, is that an understatement. He sure thinks he can, though.
GALLs: I love this new term and I will try to help it go viral. But please understand that you won't get credit for it. The best viral stuff is always anonymous.
Keillor's humor tends to be mean spirited. I don't find it that entertaining and haven't listened to more than a few of his shows. Perhaps as he ages he is throwing away all the extraneous bits and revealing his pure essence.
Yeah, I never liked Keillor either. Lake Wobegon Days didn't resonate with me, it came across as really whiny. Very much in line w/ the baby-boomer zeitgeist.
Sigh.. Labels, necessary I suppose...
Here's mine: Reactionary Look it up. I don't want to conserve diddly. The Status Quo is a rolling disaster (wait.. it isn't rolling anymore, D'ohBama says it's in the ditch). I want to go back - in almost every area. See? I really am a knuckle dragging mouth breather. BTW: My wife wants the same. I promise that I won't drag her around by the hair. That is far too much work. She can walk for herself! arcs, before the BDS he had developed Republican Derangement Syndrome. When he avoids political statements, he can be pretty amusing (i.e., his "commercials" are usually pretty funny). I had become less and less interested and when my cable company stopped the radio part, I didn't mind not getting APHC anymore.
Maybe his problem was that he moved to New York, and desperately wanted to fit in. Realizing his down-home mid-western persona wouldn't get him into the A-List parties, he adopted the anti-mid-west, anti-Republican, anti-Bush persona. Or maybe it's that libs and progressives talk among themselves and retreat into their own cocoon and echo chamber. In one of his paeans to then-Sen. Obama Kellior praised him, on the basis of Dreams Of My Father as our first true author to be President.
I wrote Kellior and referred him to Theodore Roosevelt's bibliography, some 80 works of both fiction and non-fiction. I suggested that he try checking his facts before writing about Presidents. He never replied, or to my knowledge did he ever issue a correction. |
Tracked: Oct 27, 15:36
Tracked: Oct 27, 22:54
Link safe, goes to Maggie’s Farm, which spots a warmly satiric musing from our lovable Will Rogers-esque ambassador to fabled Lake Wobegon: [Republicans have] transmogrified into the party of hairy-backed swamp developers and corporate shills, fa...
Tracked: Oct 27, 22:56