As the anti-Democrat tide gets stronger, many Democrat office holders have been clinging to their offices ashore by resorting to the race-card - that those who differ from them must be racists.
In mid-August, when no one else was paying attention to this contest, I wrote about the congressional race in California's 47th district in Orange County. A seemingly entrenched Democrat, Loretta Sanchez, has the advantage of a preponderant Hispanic and Democrat constituency. Her challenger, Van Tran, has waged an uphill battle to within striking distance, Sanchez 45/Tran 43 in one poll. The consensus of experienced poll-watchers has moved the race from solidly Democrat to weak Democrat, and the tide keeps turning.
I wrote in mid-August that "The race has not, yet, overtly become an ethnic battle – and shouldn’t" but in desperation Loretta Sanchez has now pulled the race card.
Loretta Sanchez went on Spanish-language Univision TV to tell Latinos "Those Vietnamese and GOP are trying to take away our seat from us."
No, Loretta, the seat does not belong to any ethnic group or race. The seat belongs to Americans who want representation in their and the country's interests.
Van Tran's campaign emphasizes those interests:
1. Stop the wasteful spending.
2. Cut taxes so that small businesses can create jobs.
3. Reduce excessive regulations on small business.
4. Stand up to the special interests in Washington.
Here's Van Tran's website. Please contribute, send a message against the race-card, and send Loretta Sanchez out with the tide. Van Tran is proud to be an immigrant who treasures America.
H/T Breitbart TV