What I most value in websites and commentary is to be given a new idea to ponder.
It's fine to have your own ideas reinforced and expanded, but a fresh thought or image is a precious thing. I'm sure everybody agrees that, since the Progressive Era of Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, the government's solution to any problem or issue is more government. Government is a like a handyman with only one tool - a hammer.
So I liked our link to Mead this morning: Why can't DC think outside the blue box?
Sure, the Repubs have had some good ideas about health care which entailed less government, like permitting interstate insurance purchasing, but, in general, policy ideas from DC entail simply more governance, and stale ideas of government power and control, and government largesse, from the late 1800s and the 1930s (see Rep. Dingell's astonishingly honest statement posted today: It's taken a long time to 'control the people').
We need more new ideas to unleash the powers of the people to make their own way and to make their own choices. Prosperity and opportunity comes from the new/old ideas of freedom.
Government hammers and government cheese are not fresh ideas: they go back at least to the Pharaohs. What our Founders came up with is revolutionary today.