From the piece at Big Government:
“We must create a national consensus that the health care system is in crisis.” and “To win we must not just generate understanding, but emotion—fear, revulsion, anger, disgust.” – Page 545
In much the same way that advocates of “Global Warming” continue to repeat that “The debate is over” those pushing the President’s Health Care Scheme continue to parrot that “We can all agree that our current system is in crisis…” Right? How often do we hear that? Meanwhile, polls show that 80% of Americans are HAPPY with their health insurance. But politicians who cite these numbers are painted with a broad dismissal and vilified for wanting to do nothing while Americans are dying because they have no health care.
The plan, from the beginning was to manufacture a crisis in health care. And, with the willing media on their side (“This will require an ongoing highly integrated earned-media messaging program that brings the growing crisis into relief over the next two years” – Page 545) that crisis becomes a stipulated FACT, not a political position, not an opinion, but a given. This book was written in 2007 and the plan calls for implementation over “the next two years”… do the math.
So, now the “Crisis” has been manufactured and a solution has been put forth. Now, how do our progressive leaders plan to win the votes of politicians and the support of the American people?
“We must focus especially on the mobilization of the labor movement…” and “Over the next two years, we must design and organize a massive national field program” – Page 546