No, it is not. From his analysis of the Dem push for government medicine:
For most of the previous presidency, the Left accused George W. Bush
of using 9/11 as a pretext to attack Iraq. Since January, his successor has used the economic slump as a pretext to �reform� health care. Most voters don�t buy it: They see it as Obama�s �war of choice,� and the more frantically he talks about it as a matter of urgency the weirder it seems. If he�s having difficulty selling it, that�s because it�s not about �health.� As I�ve written before, the appeal of this issue to him and to Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, et al., is that governmentalization of health care is the fastest way to a permanent left-of-center political culture � one in which elections are always fought on the Left�s issues and on the Left�s terms, and in which �conservative� parties no longer talk about small government and individual liberty but find themselves retreating to one last pitiful rationale: that they can run the left-wing state more effectively than the Left can. Listen to your average British Tory or French Gaullist on the campaign trail pledging to �deliver� government services more �efficiently.�
The Dems are desperate to make us dependent slaves on their plantation before their chance disappears.
Or the Patriot's Woodstock? Photo below from a report and good collection of photos - and many amusing signs - at Looking at the Left. Sen. Feinstein sounding like Rush Sullivan skates after being caught smoking pot in Cape Cod park Hond
Tracked: Sep 13, 08:05