Photo: Pres. Bush jumps from 10,000 feet for his 85th Birthday. His comment: "I don't feel a day over 84"
Have you seen Wolfram Alpha?
The 2009 Zagat Fast Food Ratings
Somebody is getting pissed off. VDH with Just Make Stuff Up: President Obama’s war on the truth.
What the heck constitutes an actionable hostile work environment?
Ain't Socialism great? Chavez to shut down another critical TV station
The Animal Rescue Site needs your help
Why Philip Morris backed the tobacco bill. (h/t, Tiger) Regulations always work for somebody. Yes, Obama still smokes.
Yes, it is a political scandal. Americorps. Imagine if Bush had...
Also at Dino: Health care and the youth vote
Why is the gay Bishop worring about this instead of worrying about saving souls?
Urge ya to at least listen to the first part of Prof. Plimer
Afghanistan isn't a nation. It's a place. Neptunus
California: In spite of having the highest taxes in the nation, the state is broke.
Good example of how to lie with graphs
Canada's ObamaCare precedent. It's not for me.
Why bands like to perform on carpets
Frum is not thrilled with Mark Levin's book
Many students should give community college a try. There's a lot more to life than 4-year college.
Bulldozing shrinking cities. Sounds like a good idea to me. Start with the suburbs and the malls.
From Insty:
ELISABETH EAVES: Stop Worrying and Enjoy the Recession! Yeah, a recession can be nice if you’ve got steady income. And, of course, a recession under President Obama is surely a good thing for America and Americans! Under Bush it would have been a disaster of Steinbeckian proportions, but under Obama it’s a “purifying fire!”
Lefties like their spankings. No Pasaran
Why the Supremes should and probably will strike down Chicago's gun ban
Ace: More evidence that President Obama is everything the left accused George W. Bush
of being, but wasn't.
What if the Bush family tried this?
Uighurs to Bermuda. Sheesh.
Dino on the O's self-obsession:
Let’s see. Aloof, charismatic, obsessed with power, “absolutely certain” that he has a special personal destiny. This can’t end well. No, this can’t end well at all.