The Brits
: Harbourers of Terrorism
I thought we were at war with terrorists and with those who harbor them. Isn't it clear that the UK is the main harbor for terrorists in Europe, and that London is Jihad Central? The Brits are "tolerant of diversity" unto suicide, but it's unto homicide to us since Brit citizens can so easily enter the US. Foxes welcomed into the hen-house. Their civility is being taken advantage of, and laughed at by their mortal enemies. I know this sounds just a teensy bit harsh and insensitive to say at this time of mourning, and especially about our dear cousins and allies, but...just some of many stories here, here and here. The Brits have made themselves Candide, in an evil world. Will they wake up to the existence of evil now? Let us hope and pray that they will. They have before, God knows. They are slow to anger, but watch out when you get their goat.