Compassion and understanding for the Nazis?
It makes as much sense to me to have worried about the "root causes" of the Third Reich's desire to conquer Europe as it does to bring a social worker and a psychotherapist to meet with Al Quaida. It's enough of a "root cause" to see the joy and triumph on their faces when they murder innocent infidels - Christians and Jews. The root cause is the desire to kill and conquer for Allah and the cure is the same as the cure for cancer - you kill the cells. The below excerpted from Rick Moran at RWN:
... the left’s compulsion to ally itself with the radical Islamists – either knowingly or through stupidity, unknowingly – is the greatest challenge facing Western Civilization in its War on Terror. The very people who should be leading this fight; the intellectuals, the educators, the editorialists, the journalists, and the literati are absent without leave in this life and death struggle. Instead, we find a an overwhelming majority of the left trying to “explain the root causes” of terrorism instead of getting up on their hind legs and fighting it. And instead of drawing clear, unmistakable intellectual and moral battle lines – a function their ancestors fulfilled more than admirably during World War II and much of the Cold War – we’re treated to an exercise in moral equivalency so profoundly disturbing in its sophistry and intellectual cowardice that our enemies don’t know whether to laugh before they slaughter us or simply shake their heads in bemused silence.