Four Thoughts
First, I predict that the bombers will turn out to be "home-grown" London Moslems, linked to European Moslem groups, not terrorists who snuck into England directly from the Middle East. Hence their comment about hitting other European nations and not the US or the Aussies. They are locals, the Trojan Horse of radical Islam. See Mannes on NRO re the well-tolerated radical Islamic presence in London.
Second, that Brit unsentimental, stiff-upper lip is really something, isn't it? In the US, there would be public weeping and wailing, days of mourning, mountains of candles and teddy bears, emergency prayer services, and teams of grief therapists. In contrast to the Brits, we look like a nation of over-emoting-obsessed, self-indulgent hysterics.
Third, from Steyn: "the more you insist the Islamist psychosis is a rational phenomenon to be accommodated, the more you risk sounding just as nutty as the terrorists."
Fourth, Churchill: "Danger - if you meet it promptly and without flinching - you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!"