It's like doing the Limbo Rock:
The Dem definition of "rich" drops daily
The world is drowning in oil again. Bloomberg
Oregon: Got cancer? Try a death pill.
Central bankers and recent history. Kling. More on the subject from McCardle
The Sarah Party
Embarassed to call himself a reporter. These confessions accumulate daily.
Obama and rural voters in Ohio. Obama wants to turn this country into a nation of beggers. Also, why Virginia is in play this year.
More on the Khalidi tape. Gateway. Believe me, the LAT does not want to piss off Obama. Bad consequences.
Amazing: the CSM quits its print edition. h/t, Insty
Dick Morris: The election is a referendum on Obama
Thomas Sowell explains how higher taxes damage everyone
Looking back on Obama's first year as Pres. Wizbang
Will Dems let Charlie Rangel skate? Nobody wants to piss off Rangel. Bad consequences.
How "critical race theory" molded Obama
It's the courts, stupid. I agree
Dr. Sanity's Quote of the Year, from Mark Levin
A tough Megyn Kelly takes on Obama's Bill Burton: